L’évolution des choses à l’Est de la RDC poursuit sa vitesse météorique et ne revèle toujours pas ses nombreux mystères. Hier le ministre des affaires étrangères (ou c’est des affres ?) est arrivé à Goma en route pour Gisenyi. Il semble qu’il s’agit de participer à ce que la radio onusienne appelle une bilatérale 4+4. Allez savoir ce que cela veut dire. La radio onusienne dit que l’agenda de cette bilatérale à 8 statuerait sur les résultats des opérations. Au Rwanda on s’en félicite. Sûrement qu’à Kinshasa aussi. Mais au fond, personne ne semble rien savoir sur l’agenda du Rwanda. Ce qui est certain, c’est que ce pays contrôle les changements météoriques en cours, destinés à marquer le pays, l’on ne sait trop dans quelle direction.
Et sur terrain, que se passe-t-il ?
Les opérations ont commencé depuis 15 jours mas la traque des FDLR ne semble pas trop preoccuper les ''alliees '' comme ont les appelle déjà à Goma. La seule chose qui semble leur tenir à coeur c'est le brassage, mixage (n’importe quoi) des militaires du CNDP, les mélanger le plus rapidement possible avec ceux du gouvernment. Et à la tête de la commission de brassage se trouve le rwandais de la circonstance, à savoir, le Colonel RUVUSHA. Cet homme fort de la campagne en cours esten même temps président de la commission d'intégration et adjoint du chef de la police congolaise John Numbi chargé des opérations contre les FDLR. Opérations qui n’ont servi, en tout cas jusqu’ici que de pretexte pour détruire le CNDP. Les congolais n’ont cependant pas leur mains sur ces opérations. Tout leur échappe, puisque tout est fait par les rwandais. C’est quand même mystérieux que le Chef de la police soit la partie congolaise visible, et c’est même plus mystérieux encore que le patron de la RDF lui-même, selon les nouvelles qui parviennent au public, se soit déplacé jusqu’à Bihambwe pour participer au brassage des troupes du CNDP et celles des FARDC. Et bien sûr pas Didier Etumba.
Simultanément, Désiré Kamanzi, Munyampenda avec la contribution de Bosco Ntaganda, s’empresse de faire du CNDP un parti politique dans un processus absolument illégitime. Ces trois constituent le trio qui comprend le moins les enjeux du moment et néamoins participe activement à l’humiliation de leur pays. En effet il existe déjà un contexte politique au sein duquel la reconnaissance politique du CNDP interviendrait, c’est le contexte des négociations de Nairobi que ce trio de pions a contribué à faire court-circuiter.
L’intégration dans l’armée nationale elle-même requiert un processus précédée par une étude conjointe entre les deux adversaires d’avant ce cocktail molotov, le CNDP et les FARDC. Au lieu de cela, les gars de la RDF dictent tout. Et déjà on voit le genre de gestion en court, les militaires brassés ou mixés n’ont pas été nourris depuis trois jours. Honte à Ntaganda et ses copins aventuriers. La population des zones auparavant sous contrôle du CNDP souffre la même chose car les FARDC s’adonnent à leur activité préférée : le razzia. A Rutshuru comme à Bunagana, il n’y aura même pas de recolte, les FARDC nettoyant tout à leur arrivée. Mais pourquoi affamer les militaires quand l’argent circule à gogo entre les officiers à qui John Numbi le distribue selon son humeur ? C’est à croire que les alliés ne sont pas à la hauteur de la tâche ou tout simplement que leur agenda inclut ce traitement inhumain infligé aux soldats dont on se targue de réussir le brassage en peu de temps. Les soldats n'ont-ils pas de droits inaliénables comme tout citoyen?
Un conseil à Kamanzi de la part d'un lecteur anonyme
- On se demande bien combien de temps cette situation va durer. En attendant, si Kamanzi et ses copins aventuriers sont suffisamment hommes, ils devraient donner un autre nom à son mouvement et cesser d’usurper celui du CNDP dont il profite la popularité sans jamais avoir contribuer à construire ce mouvement. Il sait très bien que le CNDP c’est surtout la cause d’un peuple fatigué d’un leadership inexistant. Et c’est une cause qu’il trahit tous les jours. Ceux qui soutiennent cette cause mènent une lutte absolument différente de son aventure parce qu’animés d’un idéal plus grand et plus rationnel. Ses déclarations sont un mépris et une honte pour le sang de ceux qui se sont battus et se battent pour un Congo différent et une paix négociée plutôt qu’une paix achetée.
Qui est Kamanzi? Deux lecteurs anonymes me renseignent:
- Anonymous said...
Je suis en train de réunir les données concernant l'imposteur : Mais brievement voici son cursus :Kamanzi est né a Masisi mais originaire du Rwanda ( Kinigi ) comme Bosco Ntaganda.Il a fait ses études a Mokoto ( primaire et secondaire).Il a fait ses études universitaires a l'Université Nationale du Rwanda dans la Faculté de Sante Publique et son troisième cycle en Afrique du Sud. Sur bourse du Gouvernement Rwandais. Il était enseignant au KHI ( Kigali Health Institute ). Il a été recommandé par Safi Adili l'actuel Ministre des zones rurales de Kabila a ses maitres le critères exigés étaient de trouver un homme tutsi ayant la haine de Nkunda corruptible , surtout novice dans la politique. Il est du clan Gogwe de Abatiringirwa.
06 February 2009 11:26
- Anonymous said...
Ce Desiré Kamanzi, fils du pasteur adventiste soit disant président du CNDP lui et sa femme ont étudié à l'UNR en santé publique, puis enseignant au Petit Séminaire Baptiste de Butare (Taba chez Candide). Après il est devenu assistant au KHI. Il a fait son troisième cycle en Afrique du Sud. Puis il se lance en politique en chassant le fondateur du parti CNDP. Je regrette il risque de mourir avant de travailler équitablement comme docteur.
06 February 2009 14:59
L'opération de mixage ou brassage entre les soldats FARDC et CNDP relève de l'incongru.
Sans avoir fait de la chimie ou de la physique, on peut voir ou comprendre que deux corps qui n'ont pas la même densité, pour la physique, ne peuvent se mélanger sans émulgation ou toute autre forcing artificiel ou similaire.
Parions que ce processus ne pourra pas durer si l'un n'a pas la formation ou la motivation de l'autre. Or, c'est le cas, malheureusement.
La présence des RDF n'y pourra rien non plus. La solution serait de laisser chaque groupe s'organiser à sa façon et essayer de travailler ensemble. Mais comme là aussi, les objectifs ne semblent pas coïncider, rien ne pourra marcher comme prévu.
A la limite, peut-être, la guerre est terminée faute de raison d'être et tout le monde peut rentrer chez lui puisque les FDLR ne constituent plus aucun danger. Ils sont déjà intégrés ou pourraient aussi l'être et tout serait fini!!!
Bye la MONUC et les huma nitere!
Vaut mieux en rire qu'en pleurer.
Le Kivu est quand même un très beau pays aux habitants aimables et dociles comme les moutons d'Imana du Rwanda et alentours ...
Dommage qu'on en a fait une misère pour quelques poignées de dollars ou d'euros minables.
Un lien intéressant de l'histoire du Congo en rappel:
Comme quoi, on des amis que l'on choisit, des ennemis qu'on ne choisit pas et des frères non plus.
06.02.2009 17:43
Comment on CNDP statement.
As CNDP from time to time releases statements they are of course of central interest.
The latest statement on how to proceed with situation after Nkunda has been imprisoned in Rwanda gives some concern.
Of course Nkunda is no god and is not the movement. Those talking in the name of CNDP so far have given some ideas how to proceed.
But to say now is the time to talk with Joseph Kabila is the same situation like in Zimbabwe. Talks go on and stop. Mugabe sits on his throne and does want to quit. He says Zimbabwe is mine. So does Joseph Kabila about Congo and fills up his pockets. People suffer desperately. This does not interest Joseph Kabila at all, it is the brand of all autocrats all over Africa and the whole globe. Attempts to change the minds of these figures is wast of time. Attempts to solve this problem by military as is commonly used will fail as well.
In an Aljazeera interview Nkunda said there is no economy in Congo, there is nothing. He is completely right. But this is not enough.
There is a parasite economy and there is no exchange of values for goods. Theft and looting can be no good and the people is at the end of this economy. But the master of this economy sits in Europe. So far an asymmetric war has been waged in Africa. Weapons for goods and that was all. Europe was a safe heaven for all these thieves be them African or European. The latest hit is foreign minister Couchner from France filling his pockets with some advice he did on African matters.
Let us take Coltan. It is laborated by H.C. Starck from BAYER in Germany and they earn a hell of a lot of money with this material for handy production. As long as there is such unequal trade, there will never be peace, neither with Joseph Kabila and his gang who all want to suck from baksheesh and if it does not work there will be a row like with Bemba. And as long as Congo is only producing raw material, there will be no peace. So attempts must be made to be able to elaborate eg. coltan and sell it to a good price with a good revenue.
Of course it will be difficult to get processing plants. But all those people having attended university or some technical training should not linger around in Europe but be patriot an return home and spit in their hands, pull up sleeves and get to work. Or those people really want to help Africans instead of filling up their pockets should provide their knowledge.
We have witnessed how Chinese came to Africa pretending to help. But at close look nothing but sabotage happened so as to have easy prey to get hold of some stuff. Joseph Kabila is in the middle of such action and runs around like a chicken without head, blames anybody for this failure. The same happens in Zimbabwe, in Sudan and so on. In the meantime most of these friends have abandoned their action and left projects. In Botswana from one day to another clothing factory was abandoned to astonishment to people there. Even in China this happens for nearly 1 Million factories.
The problem is not Africa but Europe or US. The centers of capitalism suffer great decay and they are licking their wounds. So what is to expect from them? Nothing! If Zimbabwe has no chemicals to clean water, cholera domains. If agriculture has no fertilizers or pesticides to grow crops, has no tractors, hunger domains. But in both cases there are solutions that do not taste to some people because they might provoke self reliance. Money makes the world go round was said in this blog some time ago. If it did, why is there economic global freeze?
This crisis will be worse than that of 1929. Those countries at the shade of capitalism will suffer worse than those in the centers of capitalism, which does not mean, that in bright Europe there is no hunger. There is illusion that Europe is full of honey. But in Lampedusa or Rhodos this dreams pop up like soap bubble.
Think global act local is a method to face problems nowadays. Kivu cannot be separated from BAYER, Joseph Kabila not from his Swiss bank accounts, Kagame not from Sarkozy and his late visit in Davos or Germany. Joseph Kabila did not attend, because he fears arrest. So Kagame did the job, it was worth while. Frozen bank accounts are not valuable any more. Switzerland wanted to get rid of of Mobutu's money, because the heat of EU caught them. Joseph Kabila did not accept the hot money so as not burn his fingers some more. When he came to Switzerland with diplomatic luggage full of gold dust Swiss custom saluted him and let him go through. But as we have seen with Rose Kabuje, safe heaven has gone. But Sarkozy's white wash will give problems as his mate Couchner has shown. FDLR problem will not be solved by Rwanda troops in Kivu but in Bonn/Germany when Mrs. Merkel arrests FDLR leader Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka. She promises that his bank accounts are frozen. Who believes is an idiot. So when FDLR leader Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka sits in The Hague we will see what happens. But mind, the white wash of Mrs. Merkel like that of Sarkozy, her friend, problems will arise ever more. The cry of President of Germany for troops in Goma against Nkunda now seems to be useless.
Why? In German constitution article 26 it is forbidden to wage an aggression war. The loss of this fact was a fashion to be broken by all sort of countries in all sort of countries like Congo.
ARD studio Nairobi spread lies on CNDP troops against Goma so as to heat up German public for war hysteria. But as we have seen with US in Irak, this fashion has also popped up as a soap bubble. And our dear late Mr. President admitted, mission not accomplished and had to face shoes. That is the way how war intrigues go. To balkanize war in Kivu like with this Mladic Bosco and sudden change of minds and guessing who is to blame for treason is not worth considering. Warlording works only with Swiss bank accounts. Focusing on this means to get hold of this money and deliver it to those in need as long as it is not burned by crisis. But perhaps time is faster as we think. So implosion of Kinshasa rule is nearer as we think and even as in GDR without one bullet shot regime disappeared for ever. Paranoia of Joseph Kabila should not be taken away by talks. It would mean not to understand circumstances. The alliance with Kagame should be seen as what it is, an alliance of the bankrupt.
I am posting this. It's very interesting dear L. Especially the last bit of it.
The deal on Nkunda which Kagame monitors began in Davos, where he thought to get enough baksheesh, depends on how much Nkunda is worth. The price raises with the amount of trouble that comes from opposition be it in Kigali or Kinshasa. Joseph Kabila has anounced not only couper les mains but the head in addition.
In Byumba and Kibuye there was a lot of matata. All those government millionaires get into panic. See Madagascar. Can Kagame feed the hungry? Can Joseph Kabila feed the hungry?
Of course not. In Gaza the hungry shot rockes into jewish paradise and they faced extinction. And in Byumba and Kibuye or Kivanja we saw the same story. Joseph Kabila's paranoia in Kinshasa and in Madagascar 150 dead shot like dirty dogs. Or what happened in Nairobi slum recently? All those diplomats of hunger have nothing to offer than empty speeches. All ahead this chap Jean Ziegler from Switzerland, when he talked about the rebellion of hunger on the globe, he said that in Haiti people should not be angry. But UN with Ban Ki Mon shot into the hungry people, this was the beginning of world wide trouble which all those wealth chauvinist fear like the devil. But they are the reason for this with parasite economy including.
The problem is their bank accounts, specially those in Switzerland. Why did Joseph Kabila not appear in Davos? Why his emissaire Kagame? Why was the hurry to Switzerland? It is known that in Switzerland all autocrats of the globe are at home with their bank accounts. As long as Switzerland was an unlimited cave of robbers, everything was fine. But now things have changed a little. Switzerland needs EU to get rid of it's cheese. But EU says, listen, if you do not behave, you will face sanctions. And what happened? Nationalists in Switzerland with their bankers in Bahnhofstrasse/Zurich tried to turn the dials back. In vain. This sunday majority of Swiss voted for open frontiers for EU well knowing, without EU there will be hunger in Switzerland, so they hope. Moreover, EU has full control of Swiss banks, so Kagame might not even have visited Bahnhofstrasse/Zurich to get Joseph Kabila's cash, came back with empty pockets. Rose Kabuje sits in front of French judge. So authorities made a deal and let him go to let him make a good deal on minerals on Eastern Congo in the name of Joseph Kabila who meanwhile has become a hot candidate for The Hague. Because nothing is sure there in Kivu. Will CNDP come back on the scene? Will it come out stronger than before out of this drama?
Coalitions so far with Joseph Kabila have a brittle base, because the anger of people might burst out like now in Madagascar.
I believe the CNDP could come out on the scene again, and a little stronger, but not the CNDP that is headed by Kamnzi, Munyampenda thanks to Ntaganda and thanks to money... Unless they recognize the one they are usurping! They could actually because at least Ntaganda knows where he is coming from!
09.02.2009 10:15
In Munich Joe Biden was recently showing his muscles so as to tell the world, look we are still going strong, so the Galaxies at Kigali airport with engines stand by for take off could be switched off again. In the US taxpayer was told the Galaxies are there to protect gorillas. But we learn that this job is already done by Nkunda some time ago. So what is to worry? about?
In case the Galaxies are gone at Kigali airbase, ok, good for nothing. But nevertheless Kagame is in trouble, his opera state suffers from lack of money. His troops are hungry so perhaps they not only protect coltan but gorillas. All these western educated individuals have only understood one lesson: the political power comes out of the barrel of a rifle. But out of a rifle grows no food. This bitter lesson now must learn the Chinese too who are protagonist on this method. They complain of the worst drought in centuries. The peasants su much beloved by Capitalist Party of China have nothing to harvest. Those returning home from cancelled jobs sit there and glaze at the empty fields.
But not only there is trouble. In Australia the biggest heat has caused fires with a lot of casualties. In Northern Australia floods devastate whole landscapes. The Prime Minister sheds tears. Fire fighters and army are helpless. This in contrast to the speech of Joe Biden. The trouble is, all those bombs and bullets thrown and shot do not contribute to global climate crisis. In Bunia once there was an observatory for climate research. Now this is used to educate child soldiers so as to rob gold nuggets from inhabitants which they find there. And again in Bunia airport land cargo aircraft filled with weapons und amunition. You just have to look at the gold price of stock exchange so as to understand this game. At the same amount as Congolese die the gold price rises. And MONUC with Doss looks aside when this happens same as in Afghanistan with AISAF when Opiumbarons deliver record harvest. It is ridiculous to believe to stick at their lips and listen to sweet words of peace such as in Nairobi with Obosanjo. The rotten egg Bosco was full throttle bread out meanwhile so as to appear on the stage just in time. A wonderful imperialist intrigue indeed.
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