Thank you anonymous reader. You sound like an eye witness to the facts, but you seem not to have followed different analysis done on this blog. You'll see that in the fact that you repeat some things we have already discussed. What is interesting is that you recapitulate the chronological thread, always good for future analysis. Great, keep sending whatever you think is worth telling!
Les faits ont suffisament démontré que l’entrée des troupes rwandaises en RDC, le 19 janvier 2009, pour traquer des génocidaires ex-FAR/Interahamwe reconverties depuis quelques années en Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) n’était qu’un pretextee. Depuis près de quinze ans, ces génocidaires sont responsables de graves violations des droits humains en République Démocratique du Congo. Et ce, après avoir commis le génocide des Tutsi et des hutus modérés dans leur propre pays. Il est établi que dans leur version FDLR, ils constituent toujours une menace potentielle grave vis-à-vis du Rwanda. A défaut d’avoir pu être neutralisées et désarmées par les autorités congolaises suivant les différents engagements régionaux pris à cet effet, il est juste que les Forces Rwandaises de Défense (RDF) aient été invitées à participer, aux côtés des Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) au désarmement et au rapatriement forcé des FDLR. Le CNDP de Laurent Nkunda qui avait fait d’une telle opération un des piliers de sa raison d’être n’a pu qu’applaudir au principe de son déclenchement.
Dans les faits qu’en est-il ? Un mois après le début des opérations, il est devenu clair que l’accord secret conclu à ce sujet par les hautes sphères du pouvoir en RDC et au Rwanda comportait un agenda caché . Celui-ci s’est averé être le démantèlement du « Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple » (CNDP). Depuis les événements de Bukavu en 2004, ce mouvement politico-militaire et son fondateur et président, le Général Laurent NKUNDA MIHIGO, dissident des FARDC, donnaient des insomnies au Président Joseph KABILA. Celui-ci se sentait véritablement menacé dans son pouvoir, car les revendications politiques du CNDP embrassent la libération totale du pays. Ce qui est devenu particulièrement patent à partir de 2008, après les défaites cuisantes et presque définitives infligées par les troupes du CNDP à l’armée régulière. C’est donc pour se débarrasser du CNDP et de Laurent NKUNDA, que Joseph KABILA a fait le choix, contre l’opinion générale de son pays et à l’insu du Parlement, de s’allier à celui qu’il fait passer depuis de nombreuses années pour son pire ennemi de la région, le Président du Rwanda, Paul KAGAME. Un choix tout à fait inconstitutionnel eu égard aux enjeux relatifs à l’intégrité territoriale et à la sécurité. Il y a moins de 12 mois, en effet, Joseph KABILA affirmait encore aux journalistes à Goma que la relance de la CPEGL resterait en veilleuse simplement parce que « le pont qui doit relier la RDC au Rwanda n’est pas encore bâti ».
Face au choix même inconstitutionnel de Kabila, le Président Paul KAGAME, de son côté, ne s’est pas fait prier. Il a une armée puissante, certainement la plus performante et la plus disciplinée des sous-régions des Grands-Lacs et d’Afrique Centrale. A cause d’une gouvernance éclairée, son leadership dans cette partie du continent s’est affirmé et sa côte auprès des puissances occidentales, y compris de la France, est plutôt favorable, au détriment de ses aînés et voisins, en particulier de l’ougandais Yoweri MUSEVENI. Il n’apprécierait pas, mais alors pas du tout, l’irruption au devant de la scène politique congolaise d’un Laurent NKUNDA. Tutsi comme lui, il serait presque son clone à la fois au physique et en politique. Et le charisme en plus. L’on se souvient qu’à la fin 2008, le président rwandais avait dit à Colette BRAEKMAN: « NKUNDA est légitime quand il revendique le droit de la minorité tutsi congolaise à une citoyenneté congolaise pleine et entière ou quand il combat la présence des génocidaires FDLR sur le sol de son pays. Mais lorsqu’il se met en tête de vouloir renverser les institutions de son pays, alors il redevient un chef de guerre comme les autres et là, je ne suis plus d’accord avec lui ». Les observateurs du contexte régional ont compris que pour le président rwandais, il était malvenu de la part de Nkunda, de vouloir remettre en question le leadership de Kabila. Il pouvait défendre le Masisi et le Rutshuru, même plus, mais dans la logique de Kagame, Nkunda ne devait surtout pas chercher impunément à se hisser au rang de leader au niveau national en RDC et, de ce fait ambitionner devenir ainsi l’égal du maître de Kigali. Ce serait désormais un rival potentiellement plus puissant.
Et cette éventualité, depuis quelques semaines, n’était pas qu’une vue de l’esprit. Le général Laurent NKUNDA MIHIGO a acquis, en effet une popularité et une notoriété dépassant de loin les quelques 12.000 kms2 que son Mouvement contrôlait dans le sud de la Province du Nord-Kivu. Pendant les mois de novembre et de décembre 2008, par exemple, le chef du CNDP a fait la une de beaucoup de medias, partageant involontairement avec Barack OBAMA le générique des informations de France 24. Ce qui fut considéré à Kigali comme un crime de lèse-majesté. A Kinshasa aussi d’ailleurs vu la quasi-totale absence médiatique du chef de l’Etat, au niveau international. Donc l’alliance objective du couple atypique KAGAME-KABILA a surtout cherché à mettre fin au « phénomène NKUNDA ». Y a-t-il réussi ? Ce n’est pas du tout sûr.
Manifestement, au Rwanda on semble avoir sous-estimé la capacité d’organisation de celui qu’ils prennent à tort pour un rival. Pourtant celui-ci se voulait un allié. Le Rwanda a saisi très vite -peut-être trop vite- la main tendue de son homologue et ancien protégé congolais. C’est d’ailleurs ce dernier, Joseph Kabila qui, à très court terme, paraît être le vrai gagnant de ce véritable marché des dupes. Dans un premier temps, Paul KAGAME a fait ordonner au fameux général Bosco NTAGANDA, Chef d’Etat-Major général du CNDP, de faire « un coup d’Etat ». Il s’agissait de destituer son Commandant en Chef, Laurent NKUNDA et de s’autoproclamer à sa place.
Le second temps connut un changement de tactique car ni le Haut-Commandement ni la Direction Politique du CNDP n’avaient suivi le putschiste. Le commandement de l’armée rwandaise a dû alors solliciter, le Général NKUNDA pour qu’il envoie en territoire rwandais les membres du Haut-Commandement militaire du CNDP afin de lever le malentendu et de planifier de concert les opérations annoncées contre les FDLR. La réunion organisée à cet effet à Mudende consista littéralement en une prise en otage des Officiers du CNDP par le Chef d’Etat-Major Général de l’armée rwandaise. Ils furent emmenés de force à GOMA où ils furent obligés de signer, après amendement et après accord du Général NKUNDA, un texte préparé par le Général NUMBI. Celui-ci a la qualité de négociateur pour le compte de Joseph KABILA de l’accord secret RDC-Rwanda. Le document signé par chacun des membres du Haut-Commandement du CNDP –et non par le seul NTAGANDA censé pourtant être leur nouveau boss- stipule la participation des troupes du CNDP aux opérations conjointes contre les FDLR. Il n’admet le principe de l’intégration au sein des FARDC des troupes du CNDP qu’au terme des travaux d’une Commission ad hoc.
Le troisième temps, vit les troupes rwandaises pénétrer le territoire congolais, suivies par les FARDC qu’ils installèrent dans les positions antérieurement sous contrôle du CNDP. La quatrième phase consista à inviter le Général NKUNDA à rencontrer à GISENYI les membres de l’Etat-Major rwandais qui s’empressèrent de l’y placer en résidence surveillée dès le lendemain de son arrivée. Pour finir, James KABAREBE se mit à forcer sur terrain l’intégration des troupes du CNDP au sein des FARDC, avant de fomenter la captation de la direction politique du Mouvement par des individus inconnus au CNDP.
Le comportement des autorités rwandaises était motivé par une certitude. A Kigali on sait qu’en dépit de l’autonomie avérée du CNDP, un Mouvement créé sans leur accord et sans leur contrôle ; et malgré sa capacité à infliger des pertes considérables à tout éventuel agresseur, jamais le Général NKUNDA ne donnerait l’ordre de s’opposer par les armes aux militaires rwandais, quelle que soit la situation. C’est pour une question d’honneur et pour une raison bien simple : il s’agit non seulement de frères d’armes, mais aussi de véritables frères de sang que seules des frontières artificielles héritées de la colonisation séparent. Cette raison simple est renforcée par d’autres notamment :
· les circonstances historiques ayant entouré le recrutement de l’ex-APR/Inkotanyi qui a mis fin au génocide et libéré le Rwanda ;
· surtout du contexte dans lequel la communauté Tutsi congolaise du Nord-Kivu, dans sa totalité, a fui les génocidaires rwandais en RDC vers le Rwanda entre 1994 et 1996 et s’y trouve encore exilée aujourd’hui ;
· des cousins germains ou parallèles, des oncles et des neveux, parfois des frères de même père et de même mère se retrouvent dans l’une ou l’autre armée.
Dans le chef du patron du CNDP, il n’était pas imaginable qu’ils se tirent dessus de son fait. Du côté de l’armée rwandaise, il y aurait eu sans doute moins de scrupules. Mais, il n’est pas sûr qu’ils aient gagné la partie.
C’est donc dans le contexte ci-haut détaillé que le Président KABILA a publiquement déclaré et des membres du Gouvernement congolais ont confirmé que les troupes rwandaises ne resteraient pas en RDC au-delà du 28 février 2009. Or, en dépit de certains succès enregistrés au cours des opérations, la présence des FDLR en RDC est loin d’être éradiquée. L’essentiel des troupes combattantes s’étant mis hors de portée. A l’avenir, il sera désormais impossible pour le Gouvernement rwandais de brandir à nouveau la menace des FDLR contre sa sécurité nationale. En entrant en RDC, il s’est définitivement privé de cet argument aux yeux de la communauté internationale et de l’opinion congolaise. Mais la menace demeure et elle est même plus présente et plus proche de la frontière rwandaise. Et cela parce que le CNDP, par le coup de force du Rwanda, n’est plus en autonomie pour y faire face. D’autre part, manifestement, Joseph KABILA n’est pas près de se passer des FDLR comme force supplétive de son armée. L’arrivée des troupes rwandaises en RDC n’a pas modifié –au contraire- l’image négative que l’opinion congolaise en général et les élites congolaises en particulier se font du Rwanda et des rwandais.
Le Rwanda a plutôt torpillé le processus d’intégration régionale tant souhaitée par ce pays, notamment à travers la CEPGL. Il n’est donc plus certain qu’il sorte gagnant de ce processus étant donné la complexité des frustrations enregistrées, par exemple au niveau du Parlement. La brutalité et l’arrogance avec lesquelles la hiérarchie militaire rwandaise a traité le CNDP et son leader a indigné profondément la communauté Tutsi congolaise en particulier, mais aussi heurté une grande partie de l’opinion rwandaise. En dépit de leur intégration forcée au sein des FARDC, la quasi-totalité des éléments CNDP a gardé intact son attachement au Général Laurent NKUNDA et à son idéal pour la RDC. Il en est de même des principaux cadres politiques du Mouvement, si bien que rien ne garantit la pérennité de la situation créée par le rapport des forces actuel.
Toutes ces manigances n’ont touché en rien le problème de la paix et de la sécurité que Nkunda était en voie de résoudre avec le gouvernement congolais sous la facilitation internationale. Il faut trouver, plus que jamais, une solution définitive au problème de la paix et de la sécurité à l’Est de la RDC, à celui de la mauvaise gouvernance qui y hypothèque le destin de l’ensemble du pays et à celui de la stabilité et du développement de la sous-région. Tout ceci justifie absolument la nécessité du retour dans le jeu du Général Laurent NKUNDA et de son incontournable CNDP. C’est seulement dans ce sens qu’il faut relancer le processus de Nairobi qui a été stoppé net par l’intrusion intempestive du Rwanda dans les problèmes politiques internes de la RDC. Naturellement il faudra aussi trouver un cadre d’une vraie et sincère amélioration des relations entre la RDC et le Rwanda. Auquel cas, un rôle joué par le CNDP serait plutôt un avantage très particulier pour les deux voisins.
As for me, the common reader trying remotely to understand the Kivu issues, this reporting is bringing new close facts, like Mudende event, and explain a bit more some "odd" behaviors from main actors. It's as sound and as clear as Masisi mountain water.
Though, already posted here, it explains some errors done to save Kabila's regime when trying to remove CNDP with FDLR at once. This is almost impossible. Either you plan to remove FDLR and you need CNDP; otherwise, you may try removing CNDP with FDLR forces and organization. They are embedded in Congolese institutions and well nourished by all European countries.
The danger is these failures can improve and foster Kabila's regime or its opposition. Both are ment to work against CNDP national objectives and Rwanda existence as it is.
What I liked most was the explanation of why Nkunda could never engage in fighting Kagame's army. It is truly a matter of honor. It feels so good to think and know that there are still people like Nkunda who have kept the traditional and natural sense of honor. The author of the article tries hard to remain in this context of honor when he says so elegantly that on the rwandan side "il y aurait eu sans doute moins de scrupule"... so beautifully said! Let's keep supporting those who still cherish the sense of honor!
Dites tout ce que vous voulez, mais s'il vous plait, soignez le langage, c'est le minimum que la communication virtuelle vous demande.
A antoinette
Vous etes dans une bulle, vous ne voulez pas croire et accepetr ce que les autres Congolais vous disent, ce ne sont pas les protestations sur le ton ou les mots scrupuleusement choisis qui y changeront quelque chose.
Les congolais de l'ouest n'auraient jamais accepté N'kundabatware comme president ou comme membre du gouvernement, cela vous ne l'avez pas intégré dans vos refléxions, s'il est votre heros(tutsis), il ne l'est pas pour le reste de la population Congolaise qui voit en lui la cause des tourments et des deuils au nord-kivu.
demandez vous comment des gens comme amissi tango fort, et bientot Ntangada sont et seront acceptés facilement a l'Ouest?
La reponse est simple, Amissi s'est effacé,Ntangada a mis fin a la guerre(CNDP-FARDC), vous le considerez comme traitre, la plus part des congolais le trouve pragmatique, meme si il traine des grosses cassérolles derriere lui.
Un autre mouvement naitra peut-etre, mais le CNDP comme le RCD auront vecus.
Changer de stratégie sinon, vous resterez dans un eternel recommencement, cad une ghettoisation de vos revendications confinées a l'extreme Est du pays ,car ca ne sera pas vos voisins(Nande,hutu,etc..) au Nord kivu qui vous diront stop mais le centre et l'ouest de la RDC.
Exit NKUNDA BATWARE,Welcome RDF in the next future
•Receive hero’s welcome
GOMA, GISENYI – Rwandan troops returned home from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) Wednesday afternoon and received a rousing welcome from hundreds of jubilant Congolese and Rwandan residents of the border towns of Goma (DRC) and Gisenyi.
The troops were part of operation Umoja Wetu, the joint Rwanda-DRC military offensive against FDLR elements in eastern DRC’s.
A farewell ceremony was held In Goma and was attended by many dignitaries, including Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers from both countries in addition to the two army’s Chiefs of Staff.
“I wish to tell you how Rwandans are proud of your bravery, your discipline, your sacrifice and your demonstration that so much is possible with such little means if this country’s duty calls,” Foreign Affairs’ Rosemary Museminali said, thanking them for a job well done.
“You have contributed to a strong foundation for both our countries,” she told the joint forces.
“You have shown our countries that we can rely on you for our protection, for our peace and security. You have shown that we are at our best when we are together and that our strength can be best found in our unity,” Museminali noted.
“The FARDC from today will continue the work that the joint forces have started,” she said, adding that “much success was achieved but much remains to be done.”
“We appreciate your resolve to remain focused on the joint objective of Umoja Wetu – uprooting FDLR/Interahamwe and returning peace in the region,” she reiterated, while also reminding the gathering that the FDLR committed genocide in 1994 .
“Today, fifteen years on, their appetite to kill, rape, loot, and dehumanize remains undiminished,” pointed out Museminali who also thanked North Kivu’s Governor Julien Paluku and his people for welcoming and supporting the joint forces.
DRC Defense Minister, Charles Mwando Nsimba, highlighted that it was a memorable day and underscored that the two countries’ leaders had “put their energies together” to eradicate all forms of menaces capable of destabilizing the sub region.
“These two countries have decided to fight the regional phenomenon, the FDLR,” he said.
He noted the fact that “more than five thousand Rwandans,” including FDLR elements, were repatriated during the course of the joint military operations and, and congratulated the Commander of the joint operations as well as all the officers of the two armies.
Nsimba also firmly promised DRC’s objective to continue where the just concluded joint operations ended and finish the job.
Rwandan Defence Minister Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi, assured the huge Goma gathering that the Rwandan Defence Force will remain ready to help in efforts eradicate any menace to peace and stability in the sub-region.
The reception in Gisenyi town, starting immediately from the common border with Goma, was unmatched as businesses almost came to a standstill as people thronged the main road to welcome the triumphant soldiers.
The unsaid story!
For God's sake, what have changed in DRC to enable and set up that special deal between Kinshasa and Kigali? Actually, two ferocious enemies since Old Kabila decided to revoke Kabarebe with his army and to exterminate all Tutsi in DRC.
Is it the fear of Nkunda and CNDP victory on battlefields or of some next struggle for power and leadership in Kinshasa if not both at the same time?
Either, some people, the Noko, behind the two African capital towns changed their way of doing and working with Africans. I think about last French and British political representatives on rally in the area. This, assuming the hate between Kinshasa and Kigali was also tuned by them as usual.
Now, Nkunda factor and the hot new collapsing of the international economy hurried changes in the area, as we see.
As posted before, the Nkunda's program is halfway before complete political and ethic change in Kinshasa.
However, the main point in these events is: may those refugees coming back at home without fearing any trouble? Here, I mainly think about Tutsi in Rwanda and Uganda or elsewhere that won't recover their home hills occupied by FDLR people.
By the way, where is the budget for repatriation and rehabilitation for those poor refugees?
I pull on this shoe.
You must remember one important thing. Nkunda was blown up by media. For long time he opposed this. Well knowing how to face this. But then there was a change. He told BBC, that he would take over Kinshasa. From this moment he was the the strong man of Congo. All those media rushed to Masisi to hear his words. Worst attack was ARD studio Nairobi but also ALJAZEERA. To kill him politically Kivanja cruelty was put under his seat. Qui s'excuse s'accuse. And in fact Bosco was the rotten egg that spread the bad smell. Not getting rid in time it infected many people until this moment. The blow had the intended effect. Nkunda is the evil for all war mongering in Eastern Congo. Kagame cherishes himself as peace maker and FDLR is eliminated icluding CNPD, 6000 troops integrated in FDRC. So as Germany rejoices peace has come, as Nkunda is out of radar.
One must know, the fourth power, the media is a weapon to achieve certain goals. To stirr in this sour soup can soon bring stomach problems but foremost not beeing able to distinguish between lie and truth can lead to get stuck in fog. You rightly looked close at Human Right Watch. This NGOs appear to be neutral and objective. But they are not. They are a tool of this or that government, so as to achieve certain goals. Everything has a price and so has truth. So the focus goes to those in media sector who do not rush around well paid by their bosses to produce lies. Or better who in this sector are subject to prosecution or murder threat, who are media underdogs. In Congo many brave journalists have been killed by Joseph Kabila, because he does not like the truth. The mainstream media does not bother about this. So as said to stirr in the fog of that boiling lies soup can be very dangerous and bring wrong conclusions. Contradictions of course are there but do they bring truth? To deal this philosphically bring no result. Fact is, the political implosion in Congo on agenda is both a danger and a chance. Attempts to turn black to white with military boot like Kagame did now, will not change but deteriorate things. War economy as we can see from Uncle Sam eats up the last hair on his head. Like a drug adict they think to boost troops but their result is none. Has Kagame brougt food to Kivu? Are the Goma camps empty? Are those empty in Rwanda. Kagame curses those internet polititians of not knowing the truth. Of course internet as in China should be stopped to tell the truth which he does not like.
The global village does not end at the frontiers of Rwanda nor of that of Congo. Time is over when medival aristocrats can rule as they like. In every hut there is satelite TV and you can watch all those news channels and zap from one to the other and register the facettes of lies, the difficulties with truth. A really thrilling game!
And to stop CNPD internet site, it just lasted one day and now they bring one better story than the other.
And if one Belgian server is stopped, there are 150 more world wide to mirror. And if you copper wire is cut, you pull up your saucer and continue. And if your saucer is stolen, you use your handy. Even in darkest Burma the atrocities of military boot cannot be hidden. In Palestine they were given fotothandy do document evils of settlers. And in Masisi, what is up? Do you tell us? To report from the warm seats of this or that government or to deal with their diplomacy os boring. They do not bring change, they do not bring food. The millions of US workless halucinated by Obama will soon ask questions about all that worthless Dollar paper. The same questions come from the slum of Kinshasa which according to Joseph Kabila does not exist. They are silent commissioners of CNDP. In 1956 in slums of Lépoldville, in Léo deux this silence burst out into revolution with Patrice Lumumba at the head. I do not want to go into details.
If Laurent Nkunda is taken hostage to avoid this, they are mistaken. People ask, where is bread, where is work. There is no answer. Neither Lumumba nur Nkunda could bring this. So people will take it and do not ask any more, this is inevitable. Lumumba and Nkunda said the truth about who stole bread and work. They were eliminated for this. But nevertheless the problem remained. One has to get used to the fact that no charismatic leader can bring light in the dark. Selfconciousness is a value which might perhaps be destroyed by some means and cause apathy. Yes, the world has changed, but away from this old thoughts that one single man can mend the evil. Too much blood was spilled for this maniacs. Perhaps this might be the move to peace implosion in Congo. One should carefully watch things.
You can agree with me.
What MADE THE Alliance" KAKA" KABILA and KAGAMe puted them to shame!
From KABILA, the UNKNOWN BOY, we were waiting for NOTHING , for nothin Good can came from him!
But FROM KAGAME, someone we thaught hi will be as FRED RWIGEMA, we were waiting allot from Him. To build RWANDA, to be stronger and be an exemple for all
the frica!
We tryed to beleve that Kagame will be someone ho can stand not only for Rwanda, but for African!
Unfortanaty, His the Bud Boy more than KABILA, MORE THAN HABYARIMANA the RWANDEES President he removed for them, they keep they ones!
Kagame, beleves only in his power and don´t take some secands to thing about what his doowing!He is a frind of himself
In they Game, only KABILA succeded. Because together, they couldn´t move the FDLR who became more stronger tham before.(THEY FAMILIES; WIFS AND SCHILDREN PUTED TO SECURITY BY KAGAME HIMSELF; THE MAN CAN NOW START TO FIGHT)
Kagame have no more excuses before International community , congolees all before all Africa.He who´s known to be strong,organised..., he couldn´t get the FDLR. It will be very difficult tu get it egain!But for those FDLR, Kabila and ONCLE SAM to get KAGAME, THE MOST WANTED from them.
The unwisely way Kagame took to Remove NKunda can have only 2 majors important Raisons.
1) Kagame have no place to put the
FDLR wo could came on the power , once they succed to be back to RWanda. There for they shuld schow haw Gagame killed allso Hutus ad Tutsis and puted them in to Prison because they tryed to talk!Ather Rwandeese are obliged to go out the country to,The presence of those HUTU from congo should send KAGAME to "CPI"!From now, every thing is paussible, Kagame oppened a door for his ennemies who knows about Kagame weckness- loving to be big! they destoyed him using himself!
The deal was now : to remove NKUNDA who wanted and could easely send Rwandeese HUTU back to Rwanda (doing that, and Remove Kabila the Hutu protector from the power.He was about to reach the "OBJECTIV"!PROTECTING CONGO BUT ALLSO PROTECTING RWANDA ,A THING kAGAME DIDN´T WANT TO SEE: BECAUSE OF HIS PROUD AND GEROUSY!
So KAGAME and KABILA had to make an Alliance to KILL if it is possible NKUNDA because THEY TAKE NKUNDA TO BE MORE a danger THAN A SOLUTION.
2) Kagame wants from long time to "annexer" The KIVU to RWanda What could never be paussible as long as NKUNDA were there.
Resuming L's and next posting, I would like emphasizing a bit on the probable consequences of the joint military intervention by FARDC and RDF in Kivu.
This is, the previous situation, in the CNDP controlled territory, was stabilized by a strong and effective system of a ruling power. Let's agree there were many weaknesses and threats as we noted.
And of course, the last intrusion from behind by RDF was highly destabilizing being the less expected.
Unfortunately, consequences of that adventure also could be catastrophic if no relevant and righteous measures aren't taken on time.
Obviously, there are no plans or programs to stabilize that new situation but MONUC trying to demonstrate its know-how.
We can say MONUC isn't at all fully qualified for that job when not being involved in the beneficial results.
For now, how is the present situation in Kivu? Seemingly, the situation shows a weak beginning of security and normal activities. However, this is because most of the Kabilist rebels are officially merged with FARDC.
So, the situation could improve as long as the new merged FARDC army is correctly paid and officers are maintaining discipline while all public services are live.
This is simple to say but hard if not impossible to grant.
What guaranties the authorities are offering to the population? None.
As far as the The World Bank promised crisis loan is not paid, quickly if possible, we should doubt about the promised improving. More, if the Congolese expenses keep being exaggerated without sufficient incomes, no immediate and long term economy "healing" will be possible and effective. Therefore, no true security is thinkable. The country will remain underdeveloped as before and a quarry of vultures.
For the moment, there is no need for a numerous army that behaves like a negative force.
As for conclusion, the Western countries don't like so much any kind of independent and stable African countries.
According to this post, CNDP can serve as alink between the DRC and Rwanda. I don`t know how thats is possible, if you have to take into account the fact that the majority of Congolese does not make a distinction between CNDP and Rwanda.
It is even clear from the comments here. When you have people saying that Nkunda could never engage the Rwandese forces under no circumstances due to the links between them. Even if the Rwandese want to annex the Kivu, as one of the comments suggests, and Nkunda is opposed to it. How can you possibly explain it? He is against the Rwandese agenda in the Congo but he cannot fight to prevent it.
It think it is important that the people that intervene here and present themselves as Congolese become honest with themselves. What are they fighting for? Congo or Rwanda?
I still wait for the day when tutsis, like their hutu brothers, will feel wholly Congolese and leave the ambiguous position that they are currently in.
I pray for that day to come because I believe in Congo and all that people that constitute this beautiful and potentially great country.
Epatante,votre analyse! Prémonitoire pour le régime arrogant de Kigali, à plusieurs titres...Ils gagneraient à bien lire, en interlignes aussi.Cette investigation en forme d'oracle sera relue avec intérêt, quand les faits seront avérés. Je crains qu'ils ne se produisent comme décrit. Besoin de devin? Non, il suffit d'être réaliste et rectifier le tir.. le temps n'atttendra pas.
The Fact is that Kagame and Kabila from long time want to confuse the people minds telling that Nkunda is Rwandees and is were figting for Rwanda.Kabila as Kagame are just using the MORFOLOGIE_ of Nkunda to destroy what ever he wase saying!Reason way it pleased them to put Nkunda to Detantion in Rwanda!But can he Kabila or Kagame change the history which is older more than 3 generations!?
Kabila is A closer Frind to INTERAHAMWE /FDLR among whom are some ARMY protecting KABILA .Who will ever forget what did Kabila Désiré to Rwandees? Unfortunatly, were allso the Tutsi-congolees killed among them because of the "Morphologie".The "MENACE" OF YELODIA NDOMBASI IN A LECTION CAMPAGNE, we all know abaout! He were planing to kill Tutsi using A LANCE, he showed what he had to do in the meeting!
That were the Reason whay, Nkunda had to stand up, because Tutsi are allso HUMANKIND!!
So That KABILA is Wanting Nkunda, I can Understand! His protecting his power, wanting to eliminate him because Nkunda was talking abaout the truth and his cause was Right.
But Kagame was among Refegees in Uganda about 30 years because of the hate of those who don´t like
Tutsi to suvive. He knows it quite well, since 1959, 1960, 1963, 1973 ,and more times Tutsi were killed and there where no one to protect them.In 1994, we sow what happened, no Uncle Sam came, antill 1990 when ARPF of Kagame started to fight for they have a Land and stay a live. A SUCH PERSON WHO HAD SUCH EXPERIENCES;could not be Kind anouth and Remember that he alone coould never acheve his Dream which become tru?!
As A humankind could have a Compassion and understand that those Tutsi allso even if they are Congolees have to survive?
He Kagame who is proud of his good gouvernency and wanting to developp Rwanda, will not like to see the same hapening for Congo?
Oh I have more questions, but no one knows what is going right now in Kagame´s hart!
But the history will tell and show that the hate from Kabila and Interahamwe to Tutsi is some hahw "undstandble" for they are no Tutsi and had made no personaly the experince Kagame made in his live hanted just because of the MorphoLOGy!
Last question now, whay is Kagame hanting Interahamwe for?
The main issues in this Congolese scramble and "political" diseases are not to link Rwanda with Congo neither to take care of human morphologies. Those views are alike and bad.
The three lasts posts are from persons that either are suffering of deep bad understanding of the situation. Or, they try using biased remarks to sow and disseminate on purpose wrong ideas. Just like president Bush, or many priests-pastors with the logic of evil and good.
Any comment should take into account all factors about Western influences and interventions in all affairs even natality or social life of Africans.
We should remember that the Congolese army since Leopold II has always been used against the indigenous population and never on its side unless when it entered in rebellion. Never, never! We should remember that Belgians with their French brothers punished Congolese after the badly given independence and because Lumumba got a "bad" idea and dared to recall how Congolese suffered during colonial period. Rwanda and Burundi, two normal African countries with peaceful people, also suffered when they had to change into "Hutu republics" to be merged and joined to Congo by the Belgian power. More can be said about this but, let's educate ourselves and avoid to loose time and opportunities on this critical international crisis.
For instance, the Congolese Parliament begun to work against the Kabila's and Mozito's government instead of inviting the Prime minister to came to a talk and explain the issue of the join Intervention FARDC and RDF. What this implies? There was some twist between those two national organs but why?
Africans absolutely do not need to fall in the European madness of the last century with their fascism and racism or with all ostracisms that are still live till now. Actually, they have to build really new countries based on human values that are still very weak and so scattered when they are underdeveloped and badly used.
Those so said mineral resources are worthless even dangerous if the local people living in the area do not get any return on investment and exploitation.
It's not because Western countries are in need of Coltan and other minerals that we are going to supply them against our interests.
African countries, particularly Congo, have so many other development opportunities than those rubbish minerals.
Dear Bagambiki,
I am sure you understand that the whole situation actually can frustrate people. Some comments here reflect those frustrations, which on the other hand are terribly more acute among the simple people who do not have even the chance to air their views on the net because they have no access to it. I think people's wrong perceptions, when they do not stem from a limited understanding of things, may be just steming from the frustation I am talking about. Some others like the one asking people on this blog to come out as rwandan or congolese, it is easy to see that they are moved by the all too well known kind of prejudices. Both frustrations and prejudices need to be overcome gradually if we ever want to be able to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas.
Dear Antoinette
Thank you for your comment trying to take into account those people watching political events from remote side or behind fences and gates as we all do. We try to look at them through fence and gate holes and even interstices. So, how can a tiny ant realize it is on an elephant back? Guessing or using Knowledge science and experience?
We are all frustrated but we need to know why all those discrepancies in our African area?
Actually, your Blog is a fair good engine to induce an effective think tank. At least, it offers cross fire data we pick from the mud (if not worse like Joe Bouvier and others working with HRW) of more or less available information. We are just like chicken on the garden ground looking for what to catch.
One thing I should ask all readers of your blog is to try as much as possible filling in gaps left on purpose or by lack of place by journalists. I am confident this will help readers to better understand embedded challenges in adding them. Someone wrote a cow can't eat a cow. It's wrong because nowadays, the cow eats the cow in Western countries. So, you can imagine why what happened in Rwanda, Burundi and Congo with genocides ... The masters and sponsors are there and ready for the worse!
For instance, nobody is mentioning the links existing between FDLR and many EU countries (France, Belgium, Germany etc). This is truncating gravely the whole explanation of their existence and way of doing. Why forgetting and not mentioning Turquoise Operation any time FDLR members are said to have perpetrated genocide? It's not fair to put only Hutu in the balance, they aren't heavy enough regarding the facts and effects. It will also explain the FDLR presence in Congo with their big strength and influence among Congolese political environment. They are allowed to kill Congolese people freely without fear even from Kamerhe or Kabila!!! Why?
This is what we see in this article at the title "L'incontournable" with comment on FDLR. The anonymous writer could add one or two phrases on how FDLR arrived in Congo and who set it up! Its organization is so thick and well spread in Congo and in Europe
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