Saturday 6 December 2008


I said so and here we go! Ban Ki Moon is still trying to plead for a European bridging force despite the unmistakable NIET that came out of Karel de Gutcht effort to rally his European counterparts over the issue. Why is Ban Ki Moon so sure he'll get 3100 more troupes in 6 months? By coaxing countries? The man cannot just see that he is chairing a failing, even dying institution? Which incentives is he going to give to some States so that they can send their military to fight a war that is lost? When is the UN going to pressure its Enfant Chéri in Kinshasa to embrace unambiguously political negotiations? Which type of interests does the UN have in enlishing a war in the Great Lakes? Wasn't the UN that was opposed to war in Iraq? Why should there be war in Kivu with the UN not only approval but also its own troupes fighting DRC people who dare questioning the leadership in place and the foreign establishment sustaining it?

And keep an eye on the wording of the upcoming peace talks as phrased by the UN news agency, you'll understand why I am warning about the dangers ahead!

I am not the only one skeptical over ambiguous negotiations at least its many dangers. The BBC is reminding everyone of the many agreements that have already been signed and were never implemented, courtesy to the Government of DRC:

A better wording of the context framing the upcoming peace talks in Nairobi, from La libre, so it's in French:


Anonymous said...

Talks in Nairobi with Joseph Kabila and CNDP, what a sensation! What a danger! But listen to Ban Ki Mon, who says he is frustrated about Burma. What does this mean? Nothing else than in this bunch belongs Zimbabwe, Darfour, Congo, Lesoto and alike. All neat Chinese colonies who are brittling to nothing due to world economy crisis. The excursion of Capitalist Party of China to imperialism has backlashed with full power to themselves, another leap backward. And so what is to negotiate with Joseph Kabila, about his burial? Remember those fertile negotiations with Mobuto and father Kabila on that warship. Laurent Nkunda recently held a remarkable speech in Rutshuru. He told the people there to go back to work, stop begging for welfare from UN. This means there must come change from Kalashnikow economy to sustainable economy. This again means if someone knows Congo to reestablish swimming market on Congo river so as peasants can sell their goods and get money or other things needed badly. For this in Kinshasa chantier naval of OTRACO must be able to reapair ships build new ones. But if you load down Radio Okapi screen saver you watch sleeping cranes like in China. Chinese were meant to repair railway from Matadi to Kinshasa but instead sabotage as usual. Chinese colonialism with glasspearls must be stopped and I am convinced workers of OTRACO will be fed up with turning thumbs only.

Anonymous said...

The Ban Ki-Moon's try to get bridging force is normal, he is working on tips and incentives he received from the French lobby. He knows perfectly well that the European bridging force is waiting for some event like a new disaster or a political problem in RDC.
Surprisingly, in the UN news of 5th December, the MONUC has welcomed the decision to hold the talks, as well as the agreement to normalize bilateral diplomatic relations and regional economic cooperation between DRC and Rwanda.
This is a hypocrite attitude when giving their feedback on the Nairobi talks.
MONUC is under French direction and is working with FARDC (also under French and Belgian support) and its rebels, mostly FDLR, to bring back peace by fighting against Nkunda and his troops.

Those contradictions of Ban Ki-Moon and MONUC mean that they aren't expecting talks to last and to yield any sound agreement. If needed, they will do all what is possible to undermine them.
Therefore, with that MONUC backup, the FDLR chiefs remain confident and are feeling comfortable for their future.

After all, it's only the very beginning of a long and very hard peace process for the Congolese people and for the whole African continent. Let's hope that the Congolese government has matured enough to understand the seriousness of the issue. There is no alternative to survive politically by using military force. Of course, they have to expect big difficulties and many handicaps to overcome.

First, there is a lack of mutual respect between the two parties. But this can be progressively tackled and solved if the government accepts to face its responsibilities and if some neighboring countries could help and assist them.
Second, the main issue and hindrance will of course come from the well known non-African countries that want to impose their own interest and agendas. This is, some European countries like France, Belgium and others are willing to apply their resolutions from Berlin Conference I, II and III on Congo, as a no-man's-land, and on Africa as an underdeveloped continent.
Third, the last difficulty is lying on some African leaders that are unable to get rid off their foreign masters that are mostly Europeans. They are playing now the role of mercenaries and slave hunters for their masta's in this masterpiece tragedy.


Anonymous said...

Qui a dit que Nkundaabattoir n'etait pas un criminal de guerre!

En Mai 2002, Nkunda est accuse de crimes de guerre commis a Kisangani, ou plus de 160 personnes on été sommairement exécutes (HRW)
En Juillet 2002, le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies au droits de l'homme Mary Robinson appelle les autorités Congolaises d'arrêter Nkunda, et met en garde contre de nouvelles effusions de sang si Nkunda n'est pas défère a la justice (HRW)
En Mai 2004 Nkunda et les troupes fideles a lui mènent des crimes de guerre, tuant, violant des civiles et pillent leurs biens au Sud Kivu (HRW)
En Juin 2004 Nkunda recrute de force des enfants soldats dans le Nord et le Sud Kivu, notamment a Minova,Kalehe, et de Masisi, pour servir en tant que soldats en menaçant de tirer sur ceux qui ont essaye de dire non (Département d'État, Rapports sur l’Exploitation de l'Enfant).
En Septembre 2005 Nkunda est l'objet d'un mandat d'arrêt international délivré par le gouvernent de la RDC pour crimes de guerre contre l'humanité et l'insurrection a Kisangani en 2002 et a Bukavu en 2004 HRW)
En Javier 2006 HRW a appelé pour le reste de nkunda et averti que, tant que Nkunda est en liberté, la population civile demeure en grand danger (HRW)
En Mars 2006 Amnesty International appelle Nkunda a cesser immédiatement le recrutement et l'emploi des enfants, et a libérer tous les enfants au service de ses forces HRW)
En Septembre 2006 21 corps ont ete découverts dans des fosses communes dans les postes laisses vacants par les forces de Nkunda dans le territoire de Rutsuru, au Nord Kivu. Certains de ces organismes avaient été lies par les mains et les pieds Amnesty International)
En Juin et Juillet 2007 les enquêteurs des Nations Unies indiquent que les combattants de Nkunda avaient été recrutes au Rwanda par des réseaux favorables a Nkunda bon nombre des recrues étaient des enfants (Amnesty International)
En Juillet 2007 Les forces loyales au chef de guerre Nkunda sont accusées d'utiliser le viol comme arme de guerre dans le Nord Kivu (Refugee International)
En Septembre 2007 l'Amnesty International appelle a une collaboration entre la RDC et le Rwanda en vue de traduire Nkunda en justice des que possible parce que les terribles violations que nous connaissons aujourd'hui auraient pu être évitées si le mandat d'arrêt international contre Nkunda publié avait été suivie (Amnesty International)
En Février 2008 un rapport des enquêteurs des Nation Unies de droits de l'homme faits le rapport que les combattants fideles a Nkunda on tues au moins 30 civils Hutus Janvier 16 et 17 autour de Kalonge, a environ 100km a l'ouest de Goma, capitale du Nord Kivu (ONU Monuc)
En Aout 2008 Nkunda lance une attaque non provoque contre l'armée nationale qui a contraint un quart de million a fuir leurs foyers. Personne dispersée sur un vaste domaine dans hospitalier sans l'acces au logement, l'eau, de la nourriture et medicament (Onu Monuc)
En Novembre 2008 les travailleurs de droits de l'homme font état d'un massacre de civils commis par les hommes de Nkunda a Kiwanja. Après avoir pris le contrôle de Kiwanja. Selon HRW, les rebelles de Nkunda ont ordonne a 30.000 habitants de quitter la ville et ensuite ont systématiquement traques et tue des civils principalement des hommes (Monuc)

Anonymous said...

Les plus grands criminels de guerre et tueurs de la paix sont les Français qui, après avoir planifié et organisé le génocide de plus d'un million de Rwandais tutsi en 3 mois, ont utilisé la communauté internationale pour kidnapper en 1 seul mois, plus de 2 millions de Rwandais Hutu au Congo et en Tanzanie en prétextant de les sauver. Un record ... Qui dit mieux? Personne même chez les autres fascistes.
Ces actes sont des records à mettre aussi dans le Guiness Book of Records.
Jusqu'à ce jour, ils parviennent encore, après 14 ans, à utiliser les FDLR à leurs services pour tuer et piller le Congo surtout dans sa partie est (Kivu et Maniema). Les FDLR croient que les Français leurs veulent du bien en leur promettant même le ciel s'ils meurent au combat. Ceci rappelle un peu certaines pratiques religieuses bien connues ...
Le comble est que c'est bien les militaires français ou belges (leurs alliés) qui ont abattu l'avion de Kigingi dit Juvenal Habyarimana pour amorcer leurs prouesses de génocidaires experts.
Ce qui est aussi incompréhensible, c'est que l'UE s'en est accommodé et ne trouve rien à redire à ce membre aux mœurs peu amènes.

Pour ce qui est de Nkunda et de ces agents de l'inquisition qui le poursuivent, disons que quand on veut noyer son chien, on dit qu'il a la rage.
Ces agents et celui qui a posté le précédent commentaire ont une idée fixe de voir la paille dans l'œil de Nkunda sans voir la poutre de leurs protégés, les InteraHamwe, alias FDLR et eux-mêmes. Normal, dira-on car, ce qui se ressemble s'assemble.

Anonymous said...

07.12.2008 05:43
To rule you need hangmen and priest. Once again those priests belonging to socalled NGOs, have an interesting attitude to choose their victims there where they think it could be useful. It has the function to whitewash governments. The title non government spreads the illusion, that they are independent. But in the case of Amnesty International there are proven facts, that they act only in one direction. The question was put on the agenda who watches the watchers? Of course this question was turned immediately as protection of committing crimes. But rhetoric cannot hide facts. The double tongue of UN in let us say Sebrenica case is well known. And to protect double tongue of UN the latter is declared immune. So the morale of UN is exhausted and has no effect whatsoever on peace process wherever in the world. This can be seen in the section ICC. If only Nuremberg principles would be applied, there would be not one minute time for such bloody hands as Joseph Kabila and others of this calibre. So as to polish up morale and integrity of UN again those NGO suck the blood (money) of UN to serve them at their taste. The same can be watched with these institutions pretending to control EU on NGO base. The effect is none. So they run around and collect money and say look, we are poor and our influence is poor. Influence? Money? Is that which counts? Is it that which moves our dear Mr. EU-commissioners?
One very other ugly example is WWF. They certfiy tropical wood and make cash by selling licences. This is the greenwash branch. And more ugly DANZER, world's biggest tropical wood dealer makes business mit Joseph Kabila in Congo and loots tropical forest. The result of this, Pygmies have no more to live on. Do we hear from our humanistic friends something about genocide to Pygmies? Nothing! Perhaps it could hurt Joseph Kabila.
Now we can understand the value of this NGOs. There is mentioned Kisangani. In this region was master Joseph Kabila at the time of his father and Laurent Nkunda. It is known that Joseph Kabila ruled this region in his well known manner with a bloody hand. But some did bother and wanted to put an end to this slaughter. But once again there is scape goat Laurent Nkunda. The method to turn up and own, turn light and shade, to hide crimes is a well known politic and appears on so many symptoms. For example there are attempts to present Hitler not as a bloody beast, but the extincion of the poor as a humanitarian act. The same apllies to Sovietunion where Stalin was meant to eat children at breakfast. The same applies to Rome with pope. What do we see in Nigeria? Christians against Moslems and vice versa. This is fueling the minds of people with gust, make them tools of dark elements. But mind you, once this courtain of minds is drawn away, this whitewash industry has gone bankrupt and people start using their brains instead of listening to lies, stop seeing some leaders as God, there will be an enormous conjuncture of freedom and wealth. Imagine 6 billion men on earth using their head, fantastic!
By the way, it is the only way humanity can survive on this globe. We are born to think, but not to believe, our stretegy to survival.