Monday 8 December 2008


Une réaction calme et ferme de la part de la délégation du CNDP à la tentative du gouvernement de la RDC d'inclure ses milices dans les négociations qui démarrent cet après-midi à Gigiri, siège des Nations Unies à Nairobi: We'll keep track in the coming hours!

  • This is different but I am compelled to post it here because it is supremely revealing. Guess about what? About Europeans doubting over the solidity of their EU in front of a menacing China! Was the tigger roaring only over the Tibet or was China testing France and behind France a terribly shaky political establishment. Read by yourself and you'll understand how desappointed French people might be growing! Very interesting!
  • D'habitude triomphaliste, paternaliste et condescendant, Javier Solana devient trop précautionneux au sujet de la fameuse force de relai. Je suis intéressée par sa manière et rapidité quand il veut changer ce que Ban Ki Moon a demandé. Nous en sommes à une troisième version: d'abord il a nié la demande, ensuite à travers Madame la porte parole de son bureau, il a reconnu la demande, maintenant il dit en essence que l'ONU n'a pas précisement demandé des troupes, mais "demande de refléchir à la possibilité d'aider à assurer la jonction entre la force qui est déployée maintenant là-bas, la Monuc, et les quelques milliers d'hommes que l'ONU va y envoyer". Rhétorique, mensonge sophistiquée ou simplement fuite en avant devant la responsabilité de dire non au dauphin de Kinshasa? Allez-y comprendre quelque chose:

  • Check out this afternoon's progress in the EU discussions over whether to send troupes or not to the DRC: divergent views. Solana is to prepare a response for Ban Ki Moon. The "vultures" are unhappy, check out the Oxfam lady's comment. On the other hand, Solana seems to think, there is no real urgent need for those troupes since a path to a political resolution of the conflict is being found even though Kinshasa is trying to spoil things as usual.

  • Another version of the same with slight differences: the bbc reports that for Lambert Mende, the fact that the CNDP delegation is rejecting the presence of other militias is mere propaganda. He is falling into his boss' obstinacy, denial, total refusal of facing the reality, until they touch wood! The dw reports the Finnish minister's dilema. Mr Alexander Stubb want a stand by force of 3000 of troupes to be deployed in DRC and he asks where to if not to the Congo! Thank God heavyweight Germany is putting pressure for political and diplomatic efforts. The dw article also with subtlety recalls that the EU foreign ministers meeting wasn't precisely about the DRC. There are bigger priority.,,3857544,00.html?maca=en-current_affairs_europe-105-rdf

Finally rumors are saying that Kinshasa is sending 200 delegates to a Nairobi meeting that is supposed to stage only 5 delegates on the government side and 5 on the CNDP. With guess who? Malu Malu the indispensable tool in making Kabila's dictatorship! 200??? the usually called "budgetivores"!

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