La nomination du nouveau chef d'Etat Major:
On continue d'accuser le CNDP de violer son propre cessez-le-feu, en tout cas c'est cela qu'affirme RFI:
Qui controle le coltan? Selon Suissinfo, c'est le CNDP:
Les politiciens kinois croient que Nkunda a piegé Obasanjo:
Quelle est la stratégie des FARDC? Le figaro dit que cette fois ci c'est elles qui tirent à Kanyabayonga. Pour une fois un journaliste n'accuse pas le cndp!
De Gutch au moins a compris une chose, que Kabila n'écoute pas et qu'il ne sert à rien de lui parler!
Et voilà ce qu'on pense en Belgique: De Gucht critique Michel, Kabila et Nkunda
Mis en ligne le 18/11/2008
La rébellion de Laurent Nkunda a annoncé mardi qu'elle allait opérer "un retrait unilatéral de ses troupes sur une distance de 40 km" sur deux fronts dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), afin de "donner une nouvelle chance à la paix".
RDC: la rébellion annonce se retirer de 40 km
RDC: incidents impliquant l'armée près d'une ville stratégique
Kivu: progrès vers une issue pacifique
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Karel De Gucht tire à boulets rouges, mardi dans De Morgen, sur son collègue Charles Michel.
Son prédécesseur et actuel commissaire européen en charge de l'aide au développement Louis Michel en prend également pour son grade, tout comme le président congolais Joseph Kabila et le chef de guerre Laurent Nkunda.
Dans une interview accordée au quotidien flamand, le ministre De Gucht juge l'approche de son collègue en charge de la coopération au développement Charles Michel "déloyale et inefficace". Le libéral flamand estime que le premier ministre Yves Leterme devrait prendre les mesures "appropriées" contre le "dissident" Michel.
Louis Michel, père du ministre et actuellement commissaire européen, fait également l'objet de critiques. "Si la situation actuelle au Congo est le fruit de la politique de Michel, cela interpelle", a-t-il déclaré. "La situation n'a jamais été aussi navrante", ajoute Karel De Gucht qui exige également de Louis Michel qu'il reste sur le terrain européen.
Le ministre a par ailleurs réitéré ses critiques à l'encontre du président congolais Joseph Kabila. "Que l'on parle à Kabila ou pas n'a pas d'importance, cela ne change jamais rien", a-t-il déclaré. Enfin, M. De Gucht n'a pas exclu que le chef rebelle Laurent Nkunda ait un jour à répondre de ses actes devant la Cour pénale internationale de La Haye pour crime contre l'humanité
Refugees as weapon.
After WW 2 when Nazis, US and British Allies turned Germany into burned soil, hunger was on the agenda from which I nearly died as baby.
The Nazis hide between refugees so as to protect themselves and to continue fighting.
Mainstream media reports on refugees around Goma and blames Laurent Nkunda for this misery. But it must be remenbered that not so long ago FDLR attacked refugee camp in Kivu. President Paul Kagame interfered in Germany and demanded Chancellor Mrs. Merkel to stop hosting the boss of FDLR in Bonn Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka. Nothing happened. On contrary Rose Kibuye was arrested later in Frankfurt. And again not so long ago Mai Mai attacked refugee camp in Kiwanja. MONUC acting as spectators like in Sebrenica.
Fortunately ARD reporter Walter Heinz showed some interesting detail about Goma refugee camp yesterday.
One women inhabitant worked on a field nearby for one $ a day so as to buy food on the market. This of course is not the solution as to make profit from refugees. A friend of mine after end of WW 2 was faced with refugee problem und hunger. So he founded an agricultural cooperative as he was a peasant and together they went into forest to make firewood. He was assisted by the Red Army not far away. This happened in many other places so as to face the problem of hunger. US-Army on the other hand only started welfare and gave chocolate to the hungry. In the area protected by Laurent Nkunda peasants are not subject to theft. As we hear Joseph Kabilas troops run around plundering as even mainstream media admit at last.
The policy towards refugees has two different roads as showed above. MONUC instead of integrating refugee people make them help themselves, put a fence around the refugee camp and one cannot avoid the thought that this is some kind of concentration camp so as to demoralize refugees.
Open letter to Mr. Köhler president of Federal Republic of Germany.
Dear Mr. President,
in latest media report you demand German troops to Goma to end war there.
Either you are not well informed or you lack memory. So I must remind you that German troops went to Kinshasa to help Joseph Kabila to get president. This was in company of fierce and bloody fighting between troops of Bemba and Joseph Kabila. It is documented that the Federal Republic of Germany has supported the troops of Bemba in East Congo. Meanwhile Bemba sits in jail. So why support of Joseph Kabila? We know that Joseph Kabila pefers war rather than peace. It would have been easy to sit at table and negotiate with Laurent Nkunda. While loosing your Mr. Bemba you think to regain SOMIKIVU. And now it appears that Joseph Kabila does not work as you hoped, so you call for German troops so as to regain SOMIKIVU. Congolese people will very quickly find out your intentions that do not differ from that practice the late king Léopold 2 did in Congo, spread hate between tribes and get hold of riches. But we must ask ourselves the FRG waging war at all sorts of places, now intend to wage war in Goma, if the tax payer likes all this?
In the US change on this madness has taken place. The economy is bankrupt, the same happens with Germany. I advise you take the plane and visit Laurent Nkunda and listen carefully what Congolese people want. This is far better than to send troops to Goma.
I stay anonimous as long as you treat me as state enemy since 30 years!
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