Saturday, 24 August 2013


Those who remember the fall of Siad Barré in Somalia in 1991 and what the UN together with the USA forces did in that country, can now have a picture of what MONUSCO and the FIB are undertaking in Goma. All these years, the UN has worked hard with the Western powers to transform the Kivu into the lawless and stateless land, with an active involvement of Joseph Kabila and his cronies. At this very moment, they are about to achieve their target. However, they have always underestimated the determination  of the sons and daughters of this land who are ready to die for it. A good number have already shed their own blood. And before we record for ourselves and our future generation the UNITED NATIONS'CRIMES against the Kivu people, let us just hold a minute of silence for the brave who have already given their lives for our freedom, the freedom of our land. Since the war is going on and we do not have time to mourn them just as yet, we however can, with our hearts silently sing our heroes vying to fight to the end this battle. It is the best homage we can pay them. In the same vein, we remember those who were brutally massacred. Not long ago we remembered the ones in Gatumba, in June we remembered Koko Denis Ntare. We also remember those fighting hidden battles: the families in IDP camps, refugees, and those in Goma who are facing the wrath of Paluku Kahongya with his civil society men. Among those fighting hidden battles we cannot fail to mention Laurent Nkunda in his prison in Rwanda.

As I was saying, the UN has planned and since 1999, tried to execute a plan of transforming the Kivu into a chaos. With the SUN City failure Nkunda stood up in 2004 to try and correct the Topsy-torvy direction that such mighty powers have imposed on our people. Since then, those same powers have not succeeded in their nasty effort because of the awakening of those who do not fear to defend their freedom in the corrupt quagmire that the DRC has become and more so with Joseph Kabila. The situation has reached a point where, Western Powers have chosen the worse alternative to achieve their goals. This alternative was unleashed yesterday when the United Nations decided to combat openly alongside FARDC-FDLR coalition. We knew it was going to happen, only we did not know how and at which precise moment. They have played into Joseph Kabila's hand beautifully. I wonder what Katumba Mwanke would say of this evolution of things:

1) After Mamadou previous failure and Kabila's boycott of the Kampala talks, we saw how the so called civil society was called in to send the population to the street so that they can demand war against Makenga's men. Who wasn't admitting defeat? The population of Kinshasa? 

2) Civil society in North Kivu works hand in hand with Julien Paluku, the infamous governor of the province: they did push for the war. When at the first attempt they realized Makenga's fighters held their ground, they tried another simultaneous move: demand from FARDC to launch bombs against civilians in a bid to bring the UN to enter the battle. Mind you, no human rights organisation has yet said anything about the horrendous attack on the civilians in Goma. The simultanoeus move was to call the population again to demonstrate against the UN to pressure them further. I hear that today they burnt two MONUSCO vehicles. I said, oh they should burn them all.

3) The above worked to perfection because MONUSCO and FIB came into battle yesterday, but instead of wiping the rebel fighters, we can confirm today that these same rebels have advance further.

4) What is Paluku doing now? Calling the population to loot, like FARDC and burn businesses suspected or known to belong to Congolese tutsis. Here we go again, when the coalition FARDC-FDLR-MONUSCO-FIB fail in their battle against the rebels, then Congolese activists and Kabila cronies recur to their infaillible tactic: xenophobia. We all know it so well. If you follow any utterances of a guy who goes by the name of Thomas d'Aquin, you'll understand what I mean.

What can we conclude from here? That the UN is in an all out war against our people; that it is following in that the provocation of FARDC-FDLR coalition, provocation that has reached a point of no return by now. The rebels are not bound to stick to the positions they were holding as a pre-requisite for the Kampala talks. The intervention of the UN is one more reason over too many others for the rebels not to allow anyone to ask them to turn back. The UN and Kinshasa have wanted this, they will get it. It is a question of honor and dignity, a refusal to allow the true negative forces funded by foreign powers to keep our people in a chaotic situation. This continent has no need for new Somalias around here. Cheers to the Vijana fighting these UN criminals working with génocidaire forces.

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