Friday, 23 August 2013


Last night I could not give any SNIPETS from the front only because I have no airtime on my modem, that's the life of a teacher, always broke, ha! However, at the start of this Friday, I can only say what you already know: that the coalition FDLR-FARDC were defeated again by Makenga's fighters. Some started running away again as usual, but I believe they might be afraid of the population of Goma now because they keep promising them victory, which isn't coming by just as yet. They did not find any other solution than start dropping bombs into Goma: anyone who knows the town is aware that "Les deux Lampes" is at the heart of the estate called Majengo. What's wrong with FARDC-FDLR? Always making the population suffer for their repeated defeats? 

Let's try and understand why they did that. FARDC-FDLR know too well that the UN is a staunch ally of Joseph Kabila. FDLR and FARDC always count on the fact that those over 6000 UN forces  (FIB and MONUSCO combined) crowding Goma, Sake and who knows where else, are there to support them. So, when their commandants decided to bomb Majengo Estate, aware that Makenga's men are not there, it was in a bid to draw the UN forces into the battle. When they decided to bomb parts of Rwanda, it was in a bid to draw this country into the conflict, very much wanting to see Ken Roth jump unto their move to accuse Rwanda again. 

What did this criminal move achieve? Neither the UN nor Rwanda have been dragged into the mess. I do hope that the UN, FIB and MONUSCO together are not foolish to give in to such childish scheming  by FARDC-FDLR. But let's assume that Kabila and his UN allies have planned this strategy. If they did, then we are likely to see these possible scenarii:

1) FIB and MONUSCO give in to FARDC-FDLR scheming and they use all their military might to fight Makenga. The underlying motive for the UN to do this, as you know is not to just fight Makenga, but also to allow terrorists attempting to destabilize the neighbouring countries to do their dirty job. That is where the UN will be starting a regional war, which will be a greater catastrophe than their supervised genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and their supervised destruction of the Kivu since 1999. I do hope that Mary Robinson is aware of this and is calculating either the benefits her bosses will be reaping, or the total disgrace of the organisation she represents and that has failed the Congo since the early days of the independence. I hope that by now she knows she represents an organisation that sends mercenaries to the DRC calling them peace keeping missions.

2) This strategy fails, in the improbable case where the UN forces refuse to be dragged in the FARDC-FDLR defeats. This should be the moment of the truth, when instead of supporting Kabila in his belligerent stubbornness, the UN forces him to once and for all discuss the political solutions proposed by the Movement Makenga has built up against all odds. 

There is a third possibility that should be the best of all: that the ICGLR block takes this opportunity to show the world how a regional block can be the best peace broker by standing its ground, despite Kikwete's inclination to flirt with everyone supporting local terrorists known as FDLR, with the disguise of the UN support. The population of the Kivu, especially that in Goma, our people in IDP camps and those we have at the mercy of UNHCR can tell Kikwete how useless the UN is in the DRC. If ICGLR is given the chance to handle this matter, even Kabila will be better off, but the Congolese people are tired of him. We have no alternative but wait and see what happens next.

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