Wednesday 11 March 2009


Malgré le compte rendu fracassant de la réunion du conseil ministériel hier, les électeurs continuent à défier Joseph Kabila dans son soi-disant fief, le Kivu. Vous remarquerez que les medias du pouvoir on entièrement diffusé ce fameux compte-rendu dans le style inepte de toujours: l'occasion d'agiter le nom de Nkunda sous le nez du peuple pour une énième fois: 1) lui faire porter tous les malheurs du pays; 2) utiliser son nom en guise de smoke screen au moment où tout le pays veut voir clair dans la balkanisation de Kabila. Louis Michel n'est-il pas de nouveau dans les mêmes parages que Kabila, sans doute avec les millions d'euros soi-disant humanitaires et qui ne constitueront que la solde des politiciens vendant le pays pour pérpétuer une gouvernance pourrie de la tête? En effet Kabila a besoin de tous les smoke screens du monde pour autant qu'il est percé à jour par ceux qui sont généralement ses fans au bon soin des députés corrompus. Lisez vous-même cet article dont le titre est plus qu'éloquent. Visite de Joseph Kabila au N/Kivu: Une distraction.

Et le dépeçage continue sans émouvoir outre mesure le rais. Même les journalistes qui s'en plaignent semblent résignés. Comment peut-on se résigner de voir l'occupation des FDLR recouvrir le Kivu et celle des angolais pousser jusqu'à Mbanza-Ngungu? On est à combien de kilomètres de Kinshasa, là?

Le prochain retour parlementaire, déjà gangrené par les manoeuvres crasses qui se multiplient au sommet du pouvoir à Kin, pourrait porter le pays à un autre niveau de pourrissement. S'il est vrai que l'Udemo a instruit Ngokoso d'abandonner, Kamerhe a besoin d'un appui colossal de ses FDLR pour braver l'AMP et son chef. Encore quelques jours seulement et nous verrons où va le rais et sa majorité. Ne vous laissez pas endormir par le conseil des ministres, le retour des léopards et la présence du président à Goma.

New Times donne un compte rendu de l'audience de l'affaire Madame Nkunda contre le gouvernement rwandais, si je peux appeler l'affaire ainsi. Le lecteur qui a envoyé ce link donne l'impression de croire que nous savons non seulement lire entre les lignes, mais aussi derrière le papier! Pardon New Times publie en anglais, mais vous êtes tous des polyglotes:


Anonymous said...

La réponse dans le procès du Chairman qui se déroule maintenant a Kigali se trouve dans l'article ci-dessous :

C'est pas hasard qui Louis Michel a décidé de venir a Kigali avec un escale Goma ou il doit rencontrer Kabila.Nkunda vaut beaucoup des millions d'Euro...
150 million Euro de Tonton Michel pour que l'extradition se fasse.
250million$ de Kabila a Kabarebe pour demanteler le CNDP.
180mille US$ a Ntaganda pour qu'il crée une dissidence et le coup d'état.Faites vos calculs.


Anonymous said...

Et quelles sont vos sources?

Devrons nous vous croire sur parole?

Part of Goma said...

A l'anonyme qui demande des sources: N'êtes-vous pas familier des mécanismes proprement Kabilistes-Michelistes et même Kabarebistes? Croyez les chiffres ou pas. Ce qui est important c'est de savoir que tous ces gaillards cherchent à noyer le seul facteur qui corrigera l'approche politique congolaise. La seule tactique qu'ils ont, c'est de corrompre tout le monde. Mais l'argent n'achète pas la justice. Il la retarde seulement. Pour autant que Nkunda et ceux qui l'appuient tiennent, la noyade ne fonctionnera pas. Il sera temps alors de penser au petit peuple, au congolais moyen et courant, à l'agriculteur, au commerçant, au mwalimu kivutien etc... C'est ici que se trouve la force du CNDP de Laurent Nkunda

Anonymous said...

La Nouvelle donne, les choses changent,bougent vous devez en tenir sinon.....
Déjà Kabila est protègé par une ceinture de sécurité composée des Rwandais(J.Kabarebe les lui a fourni)

Museminali expected in Kinshasa end of March


Foreign Affairs Minister Rosemary Museminali is scheduled to fly to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) capital, Kinshasa, at the end this month for the routine “four plus four” bilateral sessions.

Speaking to The New Times on Tuesday, the Minister said that the pullout from DRC by the Rwandan army mid-February did not signify the end of the bilateral talks between the two countries.

She said that the next round of talks in Kinshasa will take place on March 27-28 and top on the agenda will be the consolidation of the recent successes as well as further strengthening bilateral relations.

Museminali also pointed out later in a subsequent telephone interview Wednesday, that the Kinshasa meeting will also look into Gen. Laurent Nkunda’s case.

“This too will be discussed… there is a technical team that was earlier set up to look into the modalities of his transfer, they too will present us with their report,” she said.

During a previous meeting meeting early February, the Rwandan Government had agreed to hand over to Congolese authorities the General who was arrested by the Rwandan army in January.

“I will be in Kinshasa for the next bilateral meeting – the usual four-plus-four meetings that we have been having and, which we want to really expand and make into bigger bilateral meetings,” Museminali stressed.

Initiated last year, the “four plus four” bilateral framework involved four top officials from both countries.

It was this team that laid ground for the just concluded joint military plan to do away with the Democratic Forces for the Liberation Rwanda (FDLR), a rebel outfit based in eastern DRC.

The FDLR are comprised mainly of perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis.

“The issues on our agenda will be, how do we carry forward the successes that we had in the joint operations, that is, to consolidate peace, not only in North Kivu but also in South Kivu in as far as dealing with the FDLR is concerned.”

“We know that right now the DRC government is continuing to pursue the FDLR to make sure there is peace, together with MONUC,” Museminali said, noting that her delegation will also be updated on the progress. The discussions will also look beyond peace and security.

“We’ll also be looking at development issues – how can we continue to cooperate development-wise, politically and diplomatically, how do we build CEPGL into a strong organisation, how do were open our embassies, how do we look at the long-term relationship?”

CEPGL is a sub-regional organization created in 1976 by three countries – Rwanda, Burundi and DRC, but it has been defunct for years and the trio are working to revive it.


Part of Goma said...

A follow up on Louis Michel's money?

Anonymous said...

We are more focused on Tonton Michel coming with EU cash instead of analyzing the present situation and its roots.

Obviously all newspapers are missing the main issue about Michel as usual.
The New Vision shortened its vision on the momentum of the grant, forgetting to enumerate why and what for that amount of money to be handed to Rwanda.

Michel noted, emphasizing that “we have finally moved forward and overcome the traditional relations between donor and beneficiary in order to set up a more even and balanced relationship.”
Is this sufficient saying or more could be analyzed on what has changed to deserve that aid, 175 tickets only for 6 years?
So, it's about a donor and a beneficiary, nothing more. Is it a tip or what?

Being BeniButembo, Lephare or Laprosperiteonline but mostly Lepotentiel with its special partnership with Kabila and Tonton Michel, all are not wondering why Michel is so kind giving his tip, almost a gratuity!

No newspaper remembers that people are suffering because of deficient politicians and of good governance. So, crying against invasions from neighboring countries is a bit losing the scope. This is because Congo has no true national structures thanks to Tonton Michel who scrambled all after Kabarebe had punished Mobutu and handed the power to old Kabila.
Who is to blame?

The title of that EU guy is:
Le Commissaire européen au Développement et à l’Aide humanitaire.
Everybody should learn a bit the real meaning of that expression.
First, as we know, Commissaire européen is a common way of naming EU ministers acting as clerks.
Secondly, the Tonton Michel's specific attributes are for development and Humanitarian Help.
On one hand, he is behaving as a man for development, a typical colonial attitude, to address Rwanda issues. And on the other hand, it is as a humanitarian to hand some euros for poor Congolese of Kivu.

But, we also should keep in mind both actions are for European business or NGO's activities.
This is what we call "pompier pyromane" in French, meaning pyromaniac firefighter. So, you can't miss him since he manages to be helpful.


Part of Goma said...

Dear RuKabu,

It's not about focusing only on Louis Michel. The fact is that he is one of those guys mocking grossly our populations thanks to a hopeless leadership, which is the greatest part of the problem. He is part of the Distraction with D that is driving our people into the ditch.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you dear Antoinette.
However, you should recognize Congolese journalists are really hopeless when reading their so said "authoritative" or sound articles. They are so tiny in their mind and in their patriotic feelings.

I am surprised nobody is able to remark that there is worse than the Angolan moving frontier lines or the supposed partition of Kivu with the "horrific Rwandan enemy" or of elsewhere on Congo territory.

So, when you call several events by smoke screen, to cover those neighboring issues, you are actually right. Nkunda, balkanization and Kamerhe are big issues as events.
But, in fact, those events are also another kind of smoke screen rather to cover another and really more harmful event like Tonton Michel buying openly the whole country for nuts, but only nuts. Which is the worst, if I may say iT!

Slave trade is no more, finished, is dead since long time ago! Let's sing Alleluya etc. The new wave is to buy slaves on sites, and Congo is a perfect new vision of IIId Millenium. Let's sing again etc.

Of course, I agree, I also may be wrong saying that. I am afraid I am not but I hope to be wrong anyway ... Alleluya
