I have just heard that CNDP troupes have taken Rumangabo this morning with lots of weapons ans ammunitions! I am sure Diemu, Kayembe, Kabila himself and Alan Doss or may be Van de Geer, all will be accusing Nkunda and/or Kagame. Whatever Kabila wants with his war and his wierd army, he won't get it. He'd better sit and negotiate. I have said it several times already the longer he takes, the more shameful it will be for him to sit in a very weak position!
Vous avez raison madame AK. KaJo et ses votours n'ont pas tardé d'accuser le Rwanda par rapport à ce qui se passe actuellement. Cela lui semble tout à fait normal car, il doit avoir un alibi afin de tromper l'opinion congolaise et internationale. Voici un article qui le prouve pour ce qui n'auraient pas eu le temps de fouiller: http://qc.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/081008/monde/onu_rdcongo_violences_arm__e_r__bellion_rwanda2elead
Bravo chers compatriotes pour cette victoire glorieuse de la chute du camp de Rumangabo, allez de l'avant jusqu'à mettre hors ce soit-disant gouvernement qui ne ce soucie de rien car la grogne qui est partout au pays le démontre: grève des médecins, infirmiers, enseignants, la population laissée à elle-même, etc. Chers vaillans de l'ANC/CNDP: votre détermination est bien connue, vous l'avez démontré depuis que vous avez pris les armes contre ce gouvernement nous imposé par les occidentaux. Nos suvernirs sont encore très fraîs car lors de la chute de Mushaki et ailleurs où vous contrôlez, vous avez su démontrer votre discipline, engagement et détermination... Nous avons très hâte d'apprendre le contrôle de la ville de Rutshuru, Kiwanja, Kanyabayonga, Butembo, Beni, etc et surtout celles de deux capitales provinciales de Goma et celle de Bukavu. Que Dieu vous bénisse très abondamment partout où vous passez.
That's right Nkunda will win cause is right.
Rumangabo in the hands of CNDP is not a huge surprise , as you know truth will always win the cheatings from Kayembe.
Hello Patrick, it's nice to have a non anonymous comment! Great to meet you virtually and thanks for reading my blog!
Thanks to r.n. for reading my blog and commenting!
Thank you too Mrs. A.K. Everyday I check on your blog pour voir s'il y a quelque chose de nouveau. Tenez bon, vous faîtes un excellent travail.
very kind of you, thanks
Rain starts with a few drops, an avalanche with a few snow flakes. Fight for freedom in Africa might start in the same matter. From Gaza to Soveto people will hear a sound, that is called uhuru, the end of colonialism. And mind you those thieves of tropical wood and minerals (Somikivu)residing here in Europe will soon call for German army to protect their thefts. But this fairy tale has lost a lot of is substance, because people here think what is the good of meddling in affairs of others. Tax payer sponsoring this adventures ask, spilling money on such matters, we face cut of everything, what is the good of this?
Rain starts with a few drops, an avalanche with a few snow flakes. Fight for freedom in Africa might start in the same matter. From Gaza to Soveto people will hear a sound, that is called uhuru, the end of colonialism. And mind you those thieves of tropical wood and minerals (Somikivu)residing here in Europe will soon call for German army to protect their thefts. But this fairy tale has lost a lot of is substance, because people here think what is the good of meddling in affairs of others. Tax payer sponsoring this adventures ask, spilling money on such matters, we face cut of everything, what is the good of this?
hello anonyme L. do you know French?
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