Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Dès que j'ai une minute j'écrirai une analyse pour faire pour faire le point. Mais d'abord c'est clair que le département d'Etat américain a voulu ajouter sa voix dans le concert de la rengaine. Pourquoi tout ce monde crie sur Nkunda, je l'ai dit hier, ils ont peur. But I should elaborate on this, we got not only to know, but say openly why the International community fears the new movement in Eastern DRC. Ce n'est pas à cause du Rwanda ni de l'Uganda, c'est à cause de la détermination rationelle d'un nombre de personnes qui ne veulent plus se laisser berner par les manipulateurs, surtout externe, qui à leur tour veulent anéantir un passé, une histoire impossible à ignorer.


Ici c'est le tireur de ficelle HRW qui a fait du lobby et s'en vente... ces vautours d' ONGs ne sont pas encore contents parce qu'ils n'ont pas encore réussi à envoyer à la Haye tous ceux qui tiennent tête au régime amateur de Kin. Ils font croire qu'ils défendent les droits de l'hommes et ils bafouent tellement les droits des peuples!


Des congolais qui se refugient au Darfur ou comment tomber de Carybde en Scylla? C'est le LRA qui sème la terreur dans la province orientale et le monde entier est occupé à condamner des déclarations de Nkunda, qui trouvent par ailleurs écho dans le coeur de tant de personnes raisonables et patriotiquement responsables.


Et voilà, après la longue liste d'hier (preuves d'une collaboration destructive), un compatriote explique encore davantage:


Le dernier link est le plus intéressant parce que c'est l'aveu d'un homme rationnelle, raisonable et honnête. Il va en prendre de la part des congolais, mais désormais il sait, comme vous et moi, que la cause du CNDP est plus que fondée. Elle vaincra, tôt ou tard. Il faut de la patience pour suivre le raisonnement un peu lent mais méticuleux de l'auteur, mais ça vaut la peine!


Anonymous said...

Uncle Sam is bankrupt. So why open it's mouth on Congo? Let us have look at South America. This Yankee backyard has gone nearly lost, exept such figures like Uribe. As long as Galaxies with running engines are stationed in Ruanda to protect gorillas, things are not good. But what happened in Saigon everybody has not forgotten. Uncle Ho kicked the Yankees out.
So if Chinese assist Uncle Sam their hope is not dead to divide the prey. But if you have a look at Shanghai composite stocks, the US-disease has infected them too. So wait and see how step for step the Chinese adventure in Africa will pop up like a balloon. The mercenairies lack of US $ and that is the end of them.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Sam is bankrupt. So why open it's mouth on Congo? Let us have look at South America. This Yankee backyard has gone nearly lost, exept such figures like Uribe. As long as Galaxies with running engines are stationed in Ruanda to protect gorillas, things are not good. But what happened in Saigon everybody has not forgotten. Uncle Ho kicked the Yankees out.
So if Chinese assist Uncle Sam their hope is not dead to divide the prey. But if you have a look at Shanghai composite stocks, the US-disease has infected them too. So wait and see how step for step the Chinese adventure in Africa will pop up like a balloon. The mercenairies lack of US $ and that is the end of them.

Part of Goma said...

I can't believe there is someone who admire mr HO. Are there still marxists out there??? Yes the conomy is flat on the floor because of blind lending on speculated money, but this does not make of HO a hero, nor is Chavez any, haha. Congolese hope is not is failed marxist view of society and much less of the marxist view of economy!
China will own Congo unless mining cartels in the hands of jews, southafricans,belgians, canadians, portuguese and some US rich families overtake China!

Anonymous said...

The tragedy of Congo is since Patrice Lumumba the treachery of USSR to all freedom loving people. Patrice thought if Belgians are out and with them uncle Sam, Moscow might fraternally help. But this was not the case. Chrushtshev made a deal with Kennedy to divide the world. Congo was a gift to them so as to get hold of uranium by Mobutu. So Congo remained just a source of minerals. All revenues diappeared in the pockets of Mobutu. This game is now continuing with Joseph Kabila and China. China is hungry on raw material and specially uranium. Together with North Koreans they organised a putsch in Kinshasa. Uncle Sam is licking his wounds in Irak and did not pay due attention. His backyard South America is getting brittle. In other words, imperialism is in agony. And what concerns Chinese, as long as they pump their trash into US and Europe they made a lot of money. But weakening gloabal economy lets them tie their belt. Their marriage with capitalism has infected them deadly. Watch what happens in Russia. Stock exchange in Moscow is closed and they are complaining when oil price falls below 80 US $/barrel their income stops. Those so called emerging countries are very volatile to economic shocks. Chinese think they will emerge as winners. So far so good. But globalisation has infected with crisis the last countrie on the globe. Watch the state bankruptcy in Zimbabwe. The Chinese thought to profit from Mugabe but as in Botswana they flee very quickly when they make no more money. The 7 billion US $ Chinese loan for Joseph Kabila has brought nothing. He only feeds his soldiers so as to continue matata in the East. In vain. As BBC World reports medical care in Congo has broken down. (10/12/2008)The self-reliant struggle of CNDP based on peasants united with soldiers instead of theft and rape as Joseph Kabilas troops do, is the kernel of success. UN only has welfare in its mind. Gift of trash and surplus. Why does the president of Senegal say FAO is useless? He must know, because president of FAO was formerly from Senegal.
He anounced that in six years Senegal will nolonger import food. Projects basing on selfreliant agriculture, facing the specific problems of Senegal are going ahead with success. Africa can feed billions of men. But as long as it is kept as backyard of minerals, hunger will prevail.