Thursday 7 May 2009


Voilà la version de la situation sans les Grands Lacs qu'ils veulent faire ingurgiter à tout le monde. Le comble c'est qu'ils réussissent à le faire croire aux autochtones! Remarquez la source du financement de l'auteur de la lettre. Rien de moins que le Centre Pulitzer!
Le pouvoir de Kabila est chancellant de tout point de vue imaginable. De quel manière croit-il qu'une extradition de Laurent Nkunda réussirait-il à convaincre les congolais que Kabila n'est pas un simple dictateur? Le pays a besoin de la tête de Nkunda pour penser et effectuer les reformes nécessaires, pas pour racheter le gangsterisme politicailleur de conseillers politico-militaires à Kigali ou à Kinshasa. Nous en parlerons car il faut bien donner la version citoyenne de la situation aussi. Nos chers conseillers ont la facheuse tendance d'oublier qu'il existe quelque chose que l'on peut appeler "grass root thinking". Ce qui est différent d'une opinion achetée par l'argent d'un centre Pulitzer ou n'importe quel autre faiseur d'opinion de ce que l'africain doit penser de lui-même.

Changement de sujet...: Ceux qui lisent bien l'anglais apprécieront ici l'effet de la pression diplomatique et intellectuelle sur d'autres dictateurs et sous d'autres cieux. Même si je ne suis pas certaine que vous ayiez un certain intérêt, comme j'en ai, sur le sujet dont il est question, I insistently recommend to read, keenly and with as much objectivity as you can, this article.


Anonymous said...

The first link is OK in my page display but the next ones are tricky like follows:

There is a inside the link address.
You can watch it at the bottom of the page by placing your mouse arrow on the link without clicking ...
So, there is a bug or a kind of hidden malware in the Google Blogger or in Antoinette's computer if not mine ;-)

Proud Antoinette, let me tell you: according your post and common sense, media, I mean information, is the first power you need to master, in both ways (collecting and using it), before thinking fighting against any enemy even when you're hungry or thirsty as one says in Burundi.

Think also that a hand always needs the "master" thumb (nyangufi nyirazo) to grasp tools.
How can you draw water if you are missing a hollow tool (like a free hand with palm)?

This is where we may afford saying "uburere buruta amavuko". Education/culture overrides birth event/fact. It is a big add-on when facing live unknown dangers.

Son tell me what education - culture are we, in fact politicians and managers - using in Congo when facing those vultures and their sleuth bloodhounds? It's not about nuclear weaponry or huge tanks and jets that I am talking but about intelligence and information handling and management. Poor Congo and many other African countries!!! They are not using their brain faculties they do have. Sorry for that!

They say: ingwe ntiyarizi gufata ku gakanu, yarabwirijwe. Cui, the leopard didn't know how to catch on the neck, it learned it. Yeah! Education and information!
What did we learn from our past and present events or experiences? Nothing really relevant.
Let's acknowledge your Blog for its valuable contribution in this quest.

See for instance what is claimed as the wealth and opulence of Congo. Everybody will convene to list all minerals buried under the soil. Is it gullibility, naivety or what? This is because those vultures are looking for those stuffs when they are hopeless and useless for the simple Congolese. I don't blame people because those stuffs bear some value. It's a problem of ranking and priorities.

And of course, nobody can pay the least attention to the grass and trees thriving in the fields with water flowing everywhere on top of soils.

This is my grass root thinking when I add the cow as the master of all those human "tools" because it shaped the modern and most developed civilization today.
Yes, I see your smiles but that farm animal enabled several food and economical main principles and correlates several "winning" civilizations from Egypt up to now.
OK! I was cheating ...

However, Kabila is not the one who is ruling but the "His Master's Voice" (as I call them) behind the curtain and covered by MJ Kavanagh.
See yourself now when Nkunda is out and in custody, things are not improving at all. Obviously he wasn't the reason/cause of Congolese disaster and bag country management!

Actually, the Carnegie article is for sure difficult to catch by missing some historical and implicit issues. (ras)Putin and his fellow Medvedev are playing a game for third party like those Russian mafia and the Popes.


Part of Goma said...

Thanks, will sort out the linking bit as I go along. But check out your comp...Because I can open these links from mine as a reader (not blogger, haha, bug might be on your side...).

Anyway you are right, Nkunda was never the problem and still isn't. He is part of the solution, and a good one for that matter, but... but... as you say it so well, we don't learn...

Now let me ask, why should you call me Proud Antoinette? Just for daring to handle a blog (without being a really computer literate person or what? Can't see where this qualification is coming from, and what is its intended purpose! Thanks for responding to this perplexed blogger! And needless to say thanks for reading and commenting my blog!

Anonymous said...

Well, Proud is for the way you are steering righteously this Mushaki pager like a captain in his ship or a true Dona in her home but not arrogant. In Kinyaranda, we can add "uzi kwigema no gukema ndetse uri n'inzira mugayo.

This is why I joined your Blog that's using such a high Code of Honor. It pays back ... with clear and fair thus acceptable ideas and understanding.


Part of Goma said...

My, my, my!!! So many compliments together, just dangerous for a lady, hahahhh. Thank you very much. And to think that I started it just to have my thought consigned somewhere, kind of a bit selfishly. I am delighted to find that people do like it! Thanks a lot!