Monday 17 November 2008


Depuis hier les photos d'un Nkunda détendu, bras-dessus bras-dessous avec un apparement euphorique Igwe, je veux dire Mr Olosegun Obasanjo, font le tour des medias. Je parierais que les medias ainsi que certains observateurs, surtout ceux qui supportent le choix guerrier de Joseph Kabila n'en reviennent pas. Ils ne savent pas que penser de cette épisode de la longue marche vers la sortie du cauchemar congolais. Il y en a qui, déjà, taxent Obasanjo d'aveugle, puisqu'il leur semble qu'il n'a pas su voir l'agenda caché que tiendrait le CNDP. Ils pensent que Nkunda a fait croire à l'émissaire de l'ONU qu'il s'agissait de la toute première possibilité de paix qui se présentait! Certains n'hésitent pas à affirmer que Nkunda change ses demandes et qu'on ne sait plus qu'est-ce qu'il veut. On l'accuse d'ouvrir les hostilités et de clamer, à chaque fois l'innocence de ses troupes. L'on sait que Kabila a lancé les hostilités depuis deux mois déjà et plus! C'est de l'intoxication plus que pro-Kabila, absolument pro-FDLR. En effet, avec Kabila ce sont les FDLR qui ne peuvent pas supporter qu'un dignitaire international aille rencontrer Laurent Nkunda et reconnaisse la rationalité du discours de ce derniers. Pire encore, ils ne peuvent pas croire qu'il y ait un dignitaire qui n'affiche pas un soutien aux génocidaires, au moins pour une fois! Ils peuvent multiplier les critiques, l'agenda du CNDP qui se chiffre en la restoration de la dignité du Congo ne changera pas. Ces observateurs et journalistes pro-FDLR et/ou pro-Kabila, c'est du kif-kif, maintenant crient à la violation du cessez-le-feu que Nkunda a promis de soutenir. Ils oublient qu'il a promis de soutenir un cessez-le-feu qui n'existe pas encore. Son adversaire, l'armée gouvernementale, ne semble avoir promis quoi que ce soit à Obasanjo puisqu'elle attaquait le CNDP pendant que Obasanjo était encore en pourparlers avec Nkunda. C'est dans cette logique irrationnelle que l'armée gouvernementale a attaqué Rwindi ce matin pour essayer de crier au monde que le CNDP a violé un cessez-le-feu non encore négocié ni signé. Vive le confusionnisme!


Anonymous said...

The attempts to africanize mediatian between Joseph Kabila and Laurent Nkunda by UN envoi Obasanjo may at first sight be a progress. But it isn't!
UN does this on a very brittle base. It is worth asking why is there such a confusion on who is war criminal or not, how is UN to face aggression war in general? Why is there such wavering at la Hague ICC? Recently US war veterans published a document on the origin of the International Military tribunal of Nueremberg and the principles handled there. Quote: While the UN International Criminal Tribunals for the former
Yugoslavia and Rwanda, have begun to proceed with the ideals set out at Nuremberg in their prosecution of
war criminals, there is still much that is needed. One hundred and twenty nations have signed a treaty
agreeing to the creation of an International Criminal Court. Only seven nations voted against creating a
permanent International Criminal Court, among them the United States, Yemen, Qatar, Libya, Iraq and China.
The establishment of the ICC is essential to creating and maintaining a defined set of rules and laws to
regulate the behavior of governments and individuals around the world.End quote.
So in the fog of anarchy the title of war criminal can be used as you like it. Worse even, the conspiracy to commit aggressive war has become mainstream. All ahead the US. So why bother about Josep Kabila's desire de couper les main? As long as this is not clear to the world, his butchery against peaceful peasants will go on for ever and Laurent Nkunda made to scape goat for this. This mechanism is activated by MONUC and all the powers with China at the head. They call themselves champions of non interference in internal affairs. But what must we see? In Sudan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa and DRC they supply weapons to stirr war. And the UN security council is deaf to this. In contrary China blocks ICC as can be seen above. The first to uncover this intrigues of China was the former Socialist Albania in 1983. China wanted Albania to become a bridge-head for Europe. The same happend with Tansania. So there should be no surprise of the atrocities of China. Recently western powers started pilgrimage to China so as to beg for money. Joseph Kabila got a 7 billion US $ loan from China so as to feed his soldiers. But it seems as this has been spilled as his soldiers start theft and pillage like usual in Eastern Congo. As Al Jazeera reports commanders of Joseph Kabila face indiscipline and lack of pay. So the hunger drives them to attack UN refugee camps. A logik which international mainstream does not all like. Their dream is to keep Congo as a backyard of cheap minerals to be stolen from Congolese people.
How long this lie last depends on force of truth to proceed. We must speak of a revolution of concience in the whole world. This results in a vision as Laurent Nkunda says or a dream as Martin Luther King said once. The time has come.

Part of Goma said...

Very interesting comment. I wish I'd discuss some unclear affirmations! I just cannot figure out what could be their source! Anyway, that the problem when you deal with anonymous correspondant!

Anonymous said...

Obasanjo the tango dancer.
It is worth while to add some comment on the Obasanjo mediation. As he told during meeting with Laurent Nkunda there needs two to dance tango. Very intelligent indeed. So before he danced tango with Joseph Kabila in Kinshasa and later with Laurent Nkunda. The music was fierce shooting of Joseph Kabilas troops. Of course Nkunda was first to break weapons silence. But dancing of Obasanjo at several weddings is not all useful and a tragedy for Congolese people. Because this ceremony of Obasanjo has a very grim colour. Nigeria where he comes from faces the same problem as Congo. International oil business is plundering oil at Niger delta. This annoys the people there and they fight against thieves of oil consisting of government und Shell and all those other firms, leaving nothing to the people. So the rebells in Niger delta are brothers in fight. We would have expected mediation to this. But no, in Kinshasa the promises to cheat Laurent Nkunda were done and of joy by this intrigue the Joseph Kabilistes pulled the trigger of their arms with hope to eliminate Laurent Nkunda. One of this mercenaire boasted towards Al Jazeera that within 48 hours Nkunda will be finished. Tis happened last week, more than eight days ago. Joseph Kabilas troops are in distress. One sees that he gets a lot of sophisticated toys called weapons. As a spokesman of CNDP said, their weapons come from Matadi port towards Eastern Congo where they are seized by CNDP. The hysteric blame of Rwanda supporting Nkunda results now into a fairy tale. There are many more places in Africa that burn. The fire extinguisher UN fails more and more by credibility to achieve this.