I found it in my yahoo address. I have wanted to close this address for a long time, but now I find such interesting things in it that I will delay the closing. Congolese refugees in Rwanda are asking for Nkunda's freedom. We'll talk about them and the way they were treated yesterday later in the day when I finish my job. The weakest, the ones who have suffered most from RDC bad governance, the FDLR exactions, the terrible sadness of exile are the ones who are actually standing by the one who first stood by their cause in DRC, without seeking any adventurous business. It is to be hoped that Kigali will not ignore this call since there are many Congolese residing in the country, and many voters who would be looking to the upcoming election in the prism of how the authorities have handled, are handling and will handle Laurent Nkunda.
The petition is simple, respectful and not agressive:
Lettre ouverte aux Autorités Rwandaises
1. En Français
Nous, refugiés RD Congolais au Rwanda, condamnons avec la dernière énergie l’arrestation abusive et la mise en résidence surveillée de notre libérateur, Le Gén. Major Laurent Nkunda Mihigo.
Lui et ses frères d’armes se battent depuis plus de 15 ans contre les forces génocidaires FDRL/Interahamwe.
Enfin, Kinshasa et Kigali assument leur responsabilité ; Par conséquent,
Nous exigeons sa libération immédiate et sans condition pour qu’il achève sa mission de pacification du Kivu à vos côtés.
- 2. In English
We, Congolese refugees in Rwanda condemn without reserve the arrest and illegal detention of our Freedom fighter Major Gen. Laurent Nkunda Mihigo.
More than 15 years have passed that, He and his brothers are fighting against the genocide forces FDRL/Interahamwe.
Finally, Kinshasa and Kigali have taken their responsibility; therefore,
We obligate his immediate liberation without condition to achieve his mission together with Kinshasa and Kigali forces.