Thursday, 26 September 2013


La Direction du Mouvement du 23 Mars informe l'opinion tant nationale qu'internationale que les forces coalisées Armée Gouvernementale, FDLR et autres miliciens Mayi-Mayi attaquent depuis cette nuit les positions tenues par nos forces sur l'axe Mabenga-Kiwanja. D'autres forces de la même coalition sont en ce moment en mouvement sur l'axe Ishasha-Kinyandoni.

Cette attaque qui intervient au lendemain de la deuxième réunion du mécanisme régional de suivi de l’accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération en République Démocratique du Congo et dans la région des grands lacs est une manière pour le Gouvernement Congolais de saper les efforts de paix entrepris ces derniers jours par la Communauté Internationale et qui ont abouti à la reprise des négociations de Kampala présentement en cours.

Notre Mouvement dénonce cette autre velléité guerrière du Gouvernement congolais qui privilégie le versement du sang de nos compatriotes en lieu et place de la résolution des causes à la base du profond malaise social.

Tout en réitérant notre engagement pour le processus de Kampala comme unique voie pour la résolution de la crise dans notre pays, notre armée défendra la population vivant dans l'espace sous son administration contre toute menace.

Nous invitons à une condamnation générale et ferme de cette nouvelle initiative de la guerre et exigeons des sanctions à l'égard du Gouvernement congolais qui sera seul tenu responsable des conséquences de son aventure militaire.

Fait à Bunagana, le 26 Septembre 2013

Le Président du Mouvement du 23 Mars

Sunday, 22 September 2013


A few years ago, when the CNDP was in Nairobi discussing with the Kinshasa government, after the latter suffered successive defeats at the hand of the former, this is how Laurent Nkunda explained the meaning of the negotiations. We know how they brutally ended in 2009 with his arrest and Ntaganda's selling out the cause of his people for peanuts. I bring this insight here because I am still worried by the points on the agenda in Kampala I displayed in my last post. Few people are able to articulate the order of steps to be taken if we are to reconstruct the Kivu as well as Nkunda did in the paragraph below. His statements need no comments on my part, but I am sure if I was a negotiator in Kampala, I'd revisit this position before the many "behind the scene actors" find ways of twisting the cause of the Eastern provinces. Because the English translation is mine, I will post the original in French

"If our representatives are negotiating in Nairobi with the Kinshasa government, under the mediation of the United Nations, the African Union and the International Conference for the Great Lakes, the situation is primarily due to the omissions of Sun City . Tomorrow, January 16, 2009, there will be signed in the Kenyan capital, a "Declaration of Cessation of Hostilities' that will directly go to the heart of the matter in order to establish the conditions for sustainable peace in the East of our country. From there, in subsequent rounds, a way to resolving issues that Sun City left unresolved will be paved. It is mainly about three key points: 1.) A federalist territorial public administration which has been a constant demand from all Congolese for nearly 50 years; a system which will bring the governors and the governed to better share responsibilities;  2) the eradication from our country of the presence of foreign armed groups, especially the Rwandan genocide FDLR / ex-FAR / Interahamwe guilty not only of looting, rape, mass murder and genocide, but also a violation of our national sovereignty and the integrity of our territory by the takeover of huge segments of the country at the expense of the Congolese state; 3) the resettlement of IDPs and the implementation of the return of refugees and Congolese exiles ...". General Laurent Nkunda.

Sorry for the poor translation. You can find the French version below.

"Si nos représentants négocient ces jours-ci à Nairobi avec le gouvernement de Kinshasa, sous la médiation des Nations Unies, de l'Union Africaine et de la Conférence internationale pour les Grands Lacs, c'est essentiellement pour remédier aux omissions de Sun City. Demain, 16 janvier 2009, il sera procédé à la signature, dans la capitale kényane, d'une 'Déclaration de Cessation des Hostilités' qui permettra d'entrer dans le vif du sujet en vue d'établir les conditions d'une paix durable à l'Est de notre pays. Ainsi, au cours des rounds suivants, il sera remis sur le tapis le règlement des questions que Sun City avait inconsidérément renvoyées aux calendes grecques, à savoir: 1) Une gestion territoriale de type fédéraliste qui constitue une demande permanente de tous les Congolais depuis près de 50 ans et aux fins de rapprocher au maximum les gouvernants des gouvernés et de mieux partager les responsabilités 2) L'éradication de la présence dans notre pays des groupes armés étrangers, en particulier des génocidaires rwandais FDLR/ex-FAR/Interahamwe coupables, non seulement de pillages, de viols, de meurtres à grande échelle et d'actes de génocide, mais aussi de violation de notre souveraineté nationale et de l'intégrité de notre Territoire par la prise de contrôle, au détriment de l'Etat congolais, de pans entiers de la RDC 3) La réinstallation des déplacés internes et la mise en oeuvre du retour des réfugiés et des exilés congolais... ". Général LAURENT NKUNDA

Friday, 20 September 2013


I couldn't believe it when someone told me that this old marathoner for Joseph Kabila's regime would be in the corridors of Kampala. I still don't believe it and consider this to be just a rumor. But let's assume it isn't. What would Louis Michel be doing there? Is Kabila feeling so threatened that he needed his mentor in negotiations he has been so reluctant to participate in?  Is it that our Belgian nokos are ready to claim their DRC place where France and all its allies via the UN are forcefully fighting to redesign the shape of the Great Lakes Region? i would have expected an emissary of Didier Reynders, but if we got the old guy, then the eternal division of Belgian politics are showing again, but who cares? I hope no one in Kampala is being cheated, Louis Michel is stays Kabila greatest ally. Find out who takes care of Kabila's wife whenever she lands in the tiny Kingdom.

We only care about two questions: the first one, allow me to use it in its French expression - A quelle sauce vont-ils nous manger cette fois-ci? The second question is: are we going to be as passive as the Congolese people have always been, or are we going to stand and claim our people's right to live and develop? The discussion agenda publicized for the 17th September in Kampala does not show we are dealing with these question. And if we are, it is only marginally. 

Look at these 10 points with my free translation: 
1/ LIBÉRATION DES PRISONNIERS: Amnesty for prisonners (which ones?)
2/ TRANSFORMATION DU M23: Recycling M23 (into what?)
4/ BIENS EXPROPRIES: Expropriated property (what about destroyed property by FDLR?)
5/ RÉCONCILIATION NATIONALE ET JUSTICE: National reconciliation (why on number 5?)
6/ COMMISSION D’ENQUÊTE INDÉPENDANTE: Independent Commission of Inquiry (Independent from who? the UN?)
7/ GOUVERNANCE ET REFORME SOCIO-ÉCONOMIQUE: Governance and socio-economic reforms (extent?)
8/ MISE EN ŒUVRE DES CONCLUSIONS DE LA REVUE DE L’ACCORD DE PAIX DU 23 MARS 2009: Implementation of 23/3/09 Peace Agreement conclusions (these being exactly what, since Kin never did its part and instead persecuted CNDP officers suspected of still supporting a better peace deal for the province?)
9/ DÉCLARATION DE LA ZONE SINISTRÉE: Declaration of a disaster area (Parole, parole, parole: where and then what once you've declared?)
10/ MÉCANISME DE MISE EN ŒUVRE, SUIVI ET ÉVALUATION: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation mechanism (by whom, the usual suspects who collude with thugs?)

I do not have time to comment on these points and I am not even sure they were discussed. One thing I can quickly state is: this is a UN type of negotiated agenda. If you doubt, just check the order of points. How can you recycle M23 before you ensure there is peace that comes with proper development agenda that should  start from the Governance and socio-economic reforms, which in turn, might rely on that so-called declaration of a disaster area. This would mean that you narrow the area of governance and socio-economic reforms to the disaster area first, so as to create conditions to resettle refugees and IDPs. But can you achieve any socio-economic reforms before you reform the socio-political situations? Impossible... Just these few points to show you how this kind of "Milk-shake" agenda is a clear image that whoever is sponsoring the process isn't really looking for lasting peace. He is looking for "patchy" solutions, which are not solutions at all. We shall look into this a little more. In the meantime, read this,  could it be possible that Congolese like repeating the same mistakes? I am hoping that M23 will do better than the time on the Goma conference and, definitely will avoid falling in the same trap as Mars 2009. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


So Kinshasa and M23 went to Kampala, and we know as a fact of experience that Kinshasa is not about to negotiate. And we also know where the stubbornness is coming from: Kabila's support from the so called international community. This is no speculation. We do not need to speculate anymore from the moment we saw the UN forces fighting M23 with the FDLR. Ladsous saw in that the best way of defeating M23. However, we also know M23 was not defeated since they retreated freely to allow CIGRL to push for political solutions. Now one wonders why, if we need political solutions, it is not the UN department for Political Affairs that takes the lead. When it comes to the Kivu, you wouldn't even know that that department exists due to the huge activism and presence of Mr. Ladsous department. This is France at its best, changing definitively the narrative on the Kivu political problems: they want them to appear as Rwandan problems, and in so doing, exonerate Kinshasa of any responsibility as well as giving themselves to pick a fight with Rwanda using the genocidaires. This discourse will be sung again at the UN general assembly this year.

On the other hand, I am not interested in it really. I was even shocked to hear that M23 would be willing to disarm if FDLR are also disarmed.  Absurd, because for one the political problems of the Kivu imply the FDLR too, but they are first and foremost a problem of development, which the FDLR have made worse with the increase of IDPs to add to refugees and the looting of local resources, for example. So, of course FDLR are absolutely unacceptable. But even if they were to be disarmed, our local political problems will still stand. And they are the same in Kamina or Isiro, Mbanza-ngungu or Mwene Ditu, Kalemie or Lisala, etc...The bad faith of the international community I want to deal with is that they have tried hard to transform the conflict, only to avoid what they fear most: that the Kivu seeks its own autonomy. And mind you I know the usual voices will accuse me of balkanization inclinations, haha. Autonomy does not mean total independence, a clarification for people with narrow views on political action.

However, our people should understand two things: 1) that the solution to our problems starts from that autonomy; 2) That such autonomy simply means that participatory political action works better from the local level, so does production which creates economic growth. We must all understand this and it is valid not only for the provinces in the DRC but for the whole of sub-saharan Africa. Local politically well structured governance also limits the levels of corruption as it is likely to respond to the needs of the people rather than power politics. It is for these two reasons that I am convinced of the need to keep the DRC as a country but with a greater autonomy of each of its provinces, beginning from the Kivu that never tire to fight for the freedom of our people. But then this will require more transparency  even on the part of the International Community in its dealing with a country endowed with strong local politics and strong local economy. For the starters, the zillion of NGOs such IC promotes will be the first casualties,  next the whole cooperation discourse will need a redefining. How can our vultures of the IC allow that? You understand why they are obsessed with portraying the DRC problems as Rwandan??? We will be observing what is "NOT" happening in Kampala.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Dear readers, apologies for so many days without posting on the Kampala business: I was away with little internet connections, so tomorrow I should resume paging Kampala. In the meantime, you will find this recap quite insightful. I helps understand what I will be commenting on soon: that the fixation against M23 by the United Nations peace keeping mission boss is not about peace in the DRC; it is, as I said so many times before, about destabilizing any working leadership in the Region to achieve what France has been longing for, two decades on now: use the FDLR to destroy the region. Now you see how easy it will happen from the moment these genocidaires are incorporated by co-opting these guys to the UN forces present in Goma. We shall talk at length on this. Meanwhile, read this link:

Saturday, 14 September 2013


Putin Steps Into World Leadership Role

OpEdNews Op Eds 
Putin's article in the September 11 New York Times has the stuck pigs squealing. The squealing stuck pigs are just who you thought they would be -- all those whose agendas and profits would be furthered by an attack on Syria by the obama Stasi regime.
Included among the squealing stuck pigs are Human Rights Watch bloggers who seem to be financed out of the CIA's back pocket.
Does any institution remain that has not been corrupted by Washington's money?
Notice that the reason Putin is being criticized is that he has blocked the obama regime from attacking Syria and slaughtering countless numbers of Syrians in the name of human rights. The stuck pigs are outraged that obama's war has been blocked. They were so much looking forward to the mass slaughter that they believe would advance their profits and agendas.
Most of Putin's critics are too intellectually challenged to comprehend that Putin's brilliant and humane article has left Putin the leader of the free world and defender of the rule of law and exposed obama for what he is -- the leader of a rogue, lawless, unaccountable government committed to lies and war crimes.

Putin, being diplomatic, was very careful in his criticism of obama's September 10 speech in which obama sought to justify Washington's lawlessness in terms of "American exceptionalism." Obama, attempting to lift his criminal regime by the bootstraps up into the moral heavens, claimed that United States government policy is "what makes America different. It's what makes us exceptional."
What obama told Americans is exactly what Hitler told the Germans. The Russians, having borne more than anyone else the full weight of the German war machine, know how dangerous it is to encourage people to think of themselves as exceptional, unbound by law, the Geneva Conventions, the UN Security Council, and humane concerns for others. Putin reminded obama that "God created us equal."
If Putin had wanted to give obama the full rebuke that obama deserves, Putin could have said: "obama is correct that the policy of the US government is what makes the US exceptional. The US is the only country in the world that has attacked eight countries in 12 years, murdering and dispossessing millions of Muslims all on the basis of lies. This is not an exceptionalism of which to be proud."
Putin is obviously more than a match for the immoral, low-grade morons that Americans put into high office. However, Putin should not underestimate the mendacity of his enemies in Washington. Putin warned that the militants that Washington is breeding in the Middle East are an issue of deep concern. When these militants return to their own countries, they spread destabilization, as when extremists used by the US in the overthrow of Libya moved on to Mali.
The destabilization of other countries is precisely the main aim of Washington's wars in the Middle East. Washington intends for radicalization of Muslims to spread strife into the Muslim populations of Russia and China. Washington's propaganda machine will then turn these terrorists into "freedom fighters against oppressive Russian and Chinese governments," and use Human Rights Watch and other organizations that Washington has penetrated and corrupted to denounce Russia and China for committing war crimes against freedom fighters. No doubt, chemical weapons attacks will be orchestrated, just as they have been in Syria.
If Washington's NATO puppet states wake up in time, the warmongers in Washington can be isolated, and humanity could be spared WWIII.
Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration. He was associate editor and columnist with the Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He is a contributing editor to Gerald Celente's Trends Journal. He has had numerous university appointments. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is available here:

Saturday, 7 September 2013


Ambassador James Mugume, permanent secretary for the Ministry of foreign affairs in Uganda, knows his stuff if we believe what he said prior to the CIGLR summit in Kampala this week. He told New Vision that France and Belgium are the ones who mainly distort any progress when it comes to solving the political conflict in Eastern DRC. He is fully aware that they use the media to convince the so called international community that their solutions are better. Likely any keen observer of the region, he is not afraid to say that these western powers and their allies want to perpetuate chaos rather than bringing about peace. When I read this I thought that the summit was going to make, at least, the first step in reversing this infamous trend. I was not too hopeful though for two reasons: first because of Mary Robinson statements before the summit (I wrote about that); and secondly because of the involvement of the UN, the AU and the presence of guys like Russ Feingold at the summit. These are the channels that Western power use always to pretend that they respect local solutions. It's just all about pretending because their presence does, in reality, ensure that it is the Western agenda that is followed.

The proof is in the declarations and reports made in Kampala this week. Let's take the declaration of Heads of State, signed as a result from the Ministers' reports. You can look hard and you will not find any pressure on the DRC or on the UN to stop inflicting misery of the people in the Kivu. What looks like coming close to such a pressure is the injunction to the parties to the Kampala talks to resume in three days and conclude the talks in 14 days, nothing else.

You know the summit is not about the endemic political problems of Eastern DRC, when you see that the heads of state are talking only of security problems. This is a Western mantra that is meant to change people's perception. I mean that if you solve political problems, you bring peace and conditions of development, then you consequently solve security issues that way. When the focus is on the security, you know we are in somebody else boots, not our people's bare feet.

You know the summit is not about the historical and endemic political problems of Eastern DRC, when you see that the heads of state avoided to squarely point out the UN involvement in the bombings of Goma and Gisenyi. Instead of that they increase conflict bureaucracy by admitting MONUSCO to the MCVE, which as they clearly state is financed by the EU through AU? How local can the enquiries of this body be???? How can you admit the MONUSCO aggressors, working with genocidaires FDLR to any mechanism of verification of what???

You know the summit's agenda was foreign all along when you see heads of state who know Kabila starts all attacks, demand that M23 ceases all military activities. How will it defend itself against the criminal coalition MONUSCO-FIB-FDLR-FARDC? Besides they demand that M23 ceases threats to topple the government in Kinshasa. But M23 is not about toppling the government in Kinshasa. That is Roger Lumbala's ambition. And guys in M23 should know Lumbala is using them as a plateform to find his 2016 electoral bearings. I doubt that Lumbala is interested in the dilapidated agricultural infrastructure in Masisi or Bunia. These heads of State are showing that they understand the Eastern DRC problem with the French, Belgian and US lenses, which means simply colonial lenses.

You know CIGLR heads of state are playing in the hands of colonialists when you see them put M23 at the same level of negative forces; and committing themselves to work with FIB to fight it; don't they know FIB is working with FDLR? Why deceive us?

Finally you know all this is not about our people's peace when you see CIGLR heads of state bring on the DRC resources predators from the SADC. Yeah, they did that in point 11 of their declaration. All the above shows you that:

1) Kampala was a smoke screen and the door by which the ground has been prepared for more chaos in Eastern DRC. The UN is after a generalized war.

2) Next thing you'll know, Kabila and his criminal military allies are going to re-start their attacks on M23 soon because they have demonstrated they will never participate, let alone conclude talks. It's not the bland declarations in Kampala that will change that.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


This is interesting:

Nice photo you could say. And hopefully true diplomatic effort. However, as long as MONUSCO and FIB together with FARDC are working with FDLR, and everyone is keen to consider as negative force M23, these "diplomatic efforts" will be taking the wrong turn. All those meeting in Kampala should also steer clear from the routine slogan Kabila wants to hear, I mean the usual song: integrate the army, become another political party in his majority, etc... That's France and Belgium agenda, remember Louis Michel??? France's because that is what they are preaching to the Touargs in Mali, and that the mistake they induced Kabila into with the brassage, the mixage, amani leo, umoja wetu, etc, all failed predicaments, just because no one wants to listen to the political proposals of those who dare to defend the freedom and development of our dear province, the Kivu. We keep watching.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


President Yoweri Museveni has really tried not  to give up on the Kampala talks. His decision to call this summit is also a smart move when the UN double standards are becoming practically boring and totally devoid of legitimacy as well as credibility. An interesting view on this: I heard that France and Belgium are working round to clock to prevent this summit from happening, I thought a fantastic opportunity for ICGLR to tell them off diplomatically and politely is here, with deeds, showing regional problems can find regional solutions without any patronizing such as the tone used by Monusco officials and even Robinson herself.

When I heard rumors that the summit might be postponed, I thought the duo might have done it again. But hopefully those are just rumors. It looks like it is still on 5th. We shall be paying keen attention and see how things unfold.


I read it this morning and I thought people can exaggerate, so I tried harder and got details from local and reliable sources in Goma. It must have been humiliating for that Brazilian general to tell Mrs. Robinson that, under his command, FARDC lost 6000 soldiers, yes six thousand, that's what I thought was not correct until I got confirmation. It is true that there are 800 wounded soldiers in the hospital part of the barracks complex in Katindo and they have spilled into the general hospital of Goma, and 120 more are being taken care of under Makenga in Rumangabo. However, you can be sure that this catastrophe was not presented to the UN official as a defeat and a failure of the French agenda in the Great Lakes. I am sure they presented it to her the way HRW does, as only another reason not to listen to the sons of this land who are fighting for its freedom, development and peace. I wish I was a fly around the room where this was being acknowledged. 

Though it is an important piece of information about Kabila useless war, it is practically irrelevant to Mary Robinson if she has come to perpetuate the French agenda in the region. We know the UN is always swayed by France when it comes to the Eastern part of DRC and we actually knwo why, so no surprise at Robinson utterances about M23 disarming, about a window of opportunity opened by the UN forces for negotiations, etc. I repeat that if there is any window for negotiations, it has been provided by Makenga's "know how" at fighting the coalition FIB-MONUSCO-FDLR-FARDC, and his patience to show that he fights only to defend himself and give chance to peace talks. Those who defend his same cause are ready to be patient because they are ready to persevere in defending it to the last one.

This determination is what no one can fight or destroy. I hear that France and Belgium are already working hard to botch the talks in Kampala by first and foremost making impossible the meeting of ICGLR heads of States called by its chairman, his Excellency President Yoweri Museveni. They will also fail. You can see that the former colonial masters are still arrogant confident that they can bring an African regional block on its knees. I hope ICGLR heads of states are watching and they must not allow these colonial masters to decide our future any longer. They have only brought misery to our land and more wealth to theirs and this has got to stop. Once I get more details on what France and Belgium (this could be the entire EU) are purporting  I will upload another post about it.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Je vous l'ai déjà dit ici, les bureaucrates ordinaires ou extraordinaires de l'ONU ne lacheront jamais leur vache à lait du Kivu. Si vous vous en doutiez, vérifiez les dires de Madame Robinson hier à Goma: elle veut enjoindre au M23 de déposer les armes et de se rendre, et cela, après un passage à Kinshasa, où l'on se fout, tout comme elle d'ailleurs des populations du Kivu. Même Julien Paluku qui est supposé gouverner la province tend à croire que le Nord-Kivu c'est Goma, vision étroite d'une réalité riche que la présence d'associés en Affaires - l'ONU et les FDLR- ont systématiquement appauvrie depuis 1994. Le Nord-Kivu d'avant 1994 n'est plus qu'un fantome. Mary Robinson ne peut pas le savoir car l'occident se desintéressait de cette partie du monde, tout occupé à préparer un génocide qui a défiguré l'Afrique des Grands Lacs. Comme elle sert les intérêts des architectes de cette défiguration, Mary Robinson ne peut pas comprendre la lutte du M23 et n'a rien de mieux à dire. 

Elle se range du coté de Kobler qui prêche "Punishment" et rien d'autres. Elle ose sous-entendre que les obus sur Goma et Gisenyi étaient l'oeuvre des hommes de Makenga, sans qu'aucune enquête n'ait établit la réalité. Elle insinue qu'elle va parler au Rwanda avec franchise, c'est à dire débiner les rafistollages des Experts de l'ONU dans leurs rapports bidon, etc... Elle attribue l'opportunité pour un dialogue aux FARDC appuiyées des génocidaires FDLR et d'une FIB autant d'assoifée de génocide elle-même, c'est un produit de la France à l'ONU. Elle faillit au devoir de reconnaitre cette opportunité au M23.

Ce qui surprend le plus du discours de Robinson, c'est l'absence de deux choses:

1) Elle évite de reconnaitre que Makenga s'est retiré de son propre gré, après avoir démontré ce dont il est capable: demandez aux familles des soldats tanzaniens et sud-africains qui sont morts au front. Elle ne dit pas que le M23 a repété à qui veut l'entendre que c'est pour privilégier une solution politique étant donné que les problèmes du Kivu sont politiques et non militaires, comme en Novembre 2012 qu'il se retirait délibérement. Elle ne dit pas que ce faisant le M23 sauve même la face de l'ONU pour les raisons que nous connaissons.

2) Mary Robinson ne dit rien à propos du silencieux, absentéiste et belligérant Kabila. C'est surtout lui qui pense qu'il peut résoudre les problèmes politiques à l'arme lourde, ce que l'ONU et tout l'occident lui concèdent d'ailleurs. Est-elle allée le voir pour lui confirmer que son mutisme est la meilleure manière de gérer la RDC ou la meilleure manière de laisser l'ONU prendre les rennes du pays pour lui??? Nous verrons bien.

Monday, 2 September 2013


I hear MONUSCO's boss has woken up to some diplomatic semblance, I can't believe the guy went even to Kigali, to do what, I wonder. Mary Robinson in Kinshasa, one can't help but also ask, what for? Surely this lady knows Kabila's belligerent option. If she wanted, and Kobler also, she could acknowledge that the UN loves Kabila's strategy with the Kivu: in French it is called "une stratégie de pourrissement". These two characters should know that the UN has helped Kabila not only to increase the absence of the State in the East, but also has actively given him and the FDLR the capacity to systematically distroy the local population. While Congolese of tutsi descent have suffered the most, no tribe has been spared by the sanguinary FDLR, which are now found fighting alongside FARDC, MONUSCO and FIB. Destroying our people and our eco-system, that's what it takes for these guys Kabila included to pocket, more than 200M USD every year. Hence the accuracy of calling the UN in the Kivu another negative force. 

While Kinshasa becomes hardliner in terms of negotiating the political issues at hand as raised by the rebels, one can feel that the dwindling credibility of the UN is beginning to be felt by those involved. I am actually speculating about Robinson and Kobler awareness at this point in time. I refuse to think that Mary Robinson will be blinded by the millions Kabila can offer to anyone who helps him to transform the Kivu into a "Somalia". These days, you never know since the power of money has become irresistible to so many, in detriment of common sense and moral decency. We shall watch and see what happens next. Whatever it is, it cannot be, as some parrot journalists are saying, in the model of AMISOM. AMISOM cannot work in the Kivu simply because the political problems in place are absolutely different. If the ICGLR is contemplating that model, then they will be just replicating Western handouts again, to no avail. 

In the meantime, the UN could seize the chance given by ICGLR for the upcoming 5th September and, for once, put inequivocally sufficient pressure on Kinshasa, or else leave the rebels in peace to fight it out with FARDC. They are also watching and can retake their  position as soon as that is what is needed. I liked the trio from EAC working at speeding up the infrastructure to allow greater integration. This same trio can broker the peace in Eastern DRC. They can actually contribute to silence the UN weapons shedding our people's blood but fostering true political negotiations. If Tanzania still prefers to look south, meaning SADC, then it has to face to possibility of isolation in the EAC, which will be unfair to the great people of Tanzania.

While editing this I just found out that there is another diplomat who is in the region (or was) over the crisis in the DRC: Why does Western diplomacy go into a frenzy only when the damage has been done? Will they see, this time, that Kinshasa cannot go on with the arrogance of boycotting negotiation when it cannot even win the war front?