Wednesday 17 July 2013


Joseph Kabila is playing his usual double game: send out his triple armed coalition UN-FDLR-FARDC to pick a fight with M23, showing he is in control and he will finish with this so-called tutsi-led army as journalists like to call M23 military wing. At the same time, he is blaming the fight on the movement, when he is the one who provoked this new escalation of violence. The media that are sympathetic to his sinister agenda are amplifying Lambert Mende's declaration of victory in anticipation by exhibiting numbers of causalities and injured soldiers on M23 side. Others are claiming that the M23 silence is already a proof of their defeat, etc... Intox and propaganda.

The fact is that since they started pounding M23, the coalition UN-FARDC-FDLR has not managed to break their adversary's line. Helicopters, mortar, with the double human shield of IDPs and the Monusco have done achieved anything in the effort to penetrate M23 fierce resistance. If we were to go by Mende's declarations since Sunday, we would be sure that, by now, Kabila's multi-faced army would have seized not only Mutaho but the entire Rutshuru, including Bunagana. They could be fighting those who have set in motion another fierce battle in Beni. The truth is, they have not moved even a single kilometer. Mende is doing what he does best, creating rumors to distract unsuspecting Congolese people. 

What has all this to do with a French nose in this battle?  It is easy to discover how it actually has everything to do with it.Everything: The triple coalition UN-FDLR-FARDC is in this for each body's own interests. The UN for the vultures, FDLR for their French-cum-génocidaires hutus agenda, which, as I have stated so many times here, remains unfinished since 1994. Congolese tutsis are still paying for this unfinished business, this has become one of the reason why the so-called international community likes to portray M23 as only a tutsi outfit. In this easy escapism, they support the corrupt governement in Kinshasa and refuse to listen and support M23's quest for freedom for the people of the DRC in Kivu. They prefer to keep them under the new colonial system via UN forces, administered by French diplomats and henchmen alike, at the UN and in larger international community. 

So the task of M23 to free this part of the country is made doubly difficult because, through their influential role at the help of UN peace keeping missions, the French can block the recovery of the state presence in Kivu and loot it peacefully. They can also, in total impunity, push for the FDLR agenda both in DRC and in Rwanda. I like to totally disassociate M23 from Rwanda for reasons that readers of this blog have known since 2009, they way I, since then, disassociated Makenga from Ntaganda. At that time people thought I was crazy, but Ntaganda himself has proved me right. M23 is very much aware of having to fight Kabila's terrible coalition and his stubbornness in refusing to negotiate, on the one hand. And on the other, they are aware they are fighting FDLR, which means indirectly the part of international interests these beasts represent. I understand that it is this tricky double enemy that makes M23 be quite cautious and prudent, while it stays strong. This strategy should pay, because it is consistent with their commitment to seek peace rather than fight a war. But if Kabila wants to push them to the point of seizing Goma again, then he must be prepared for the consequences of such a feat. For those who would like to hear them talk about numbers, Kazarama explained yesterday on VOA news that FARDC have lost 9 officers, 20 soldiers and an unspecified number of injured. But these are FARDC, who are compatriots: there is no need at all to publicize their numbers. So do not expect many reports on casualties and injuries. A war, however worth it is, should not push us to lack respect for compatriots who are dying in it. Our culture has not yet reached the in-sensitiveness of the so called developed western democracies that have lost the value of the person. 

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