Sunday, 22 February 2009


Rwandan troups pulling out of DRC:

But in Rwanda, they say the pull out should not be the end of operation against FDLR:

And well said: "HRW like others is obsessed with the narrative that overglorifies the presence and therole of Monuc in Eastern Congo":

It also seems that the head of the National Assembly is discretly back in Kinshasa:

Pnctualité oblige:


  1. From Kinshasa come some some bad sounds.
    Nkunda has got amnesty.
    Nolonger decapitation? Nolonger torture barracks in Kinshasa. Nolonger war crimes from Joseph Kabila?
    In Kivu everything has suffered peace at long last as Kagame tells. FDLR dispersed in brousse.
    Rwanda troops pull out from Congo so Joseph Kabila has free hand to serve himself.
    If locals play his game it might come to next matata. Somikivu back to Germany?
    Questions after questions. Astonishing is, Hun Jintao did not come to Kinshas but to Senegal. For good reasons. He displayed the new Chinese intrigue in Africa: look, Senegal is ours, Nkunda has lost a friend. Neighbour is Guinea with bauxite and Chinese greed for this stuff is enormous. Same in Liberia for iron ore, where they intend to invest billions to get hold of this. But with empty pockets and nice speeches nothing can be achieved. We see how Zimbabwe is hungry, how Congo is hungry despite Chinese promises. Other countries to follow.
    Astonishing is, Mrs. Cheese admitted in China that the US have most debts with China. So if they pay with empty US $ China cannot spread them in Africa. The devil's circle is closed.

  2. Nkunda redevenu Rwandais, kie, kie,kie,kie

    Tous les SDF Tustis et Hutus qui sont entrain de polluer la RDC doivent rentrez chez eux au Rwanda

  3. En parallèle avec le Rwanda et le Congo, la RCA a vécu une tragédie avec les événements qu'on lit dans le lien suivant:

    Il se pourrait aussi que les Rwandais soient obligés d'aller en RCA pour un nettoyage ethnique des Français car la population de là-bas n'a plus d'espoir de s'en sortir malgré leurs cousins Congolais qui ont préféré s'allier et s'aligner avec les Français.
    On peut supposer que Bemba était dans le coup de Bozize du côté du fleuve Congo.

    Les jeunes, les Kadogo (car les vieux y sont rares) de la RCA sont à la recherche d'un Kagame ou d'un Nkunda qui pourrait amorcer le même processus que celui du Kivu.
    Ce serait l'occasion pour les Congolais avec l'aide des Rwandais de s'occuper des autres problèmes de bon voisinage avec ceux du nord car, n'en déplaise les houligans, l'est du Congo vient de retrouver un peu de répit.

    Même Nkunda, logiquement pourrait retrouver son terroir sans problème car il est libre de circuler sur tout territoire de l'Afrique où les Français ne commandent pas.


  4. As for L's comments, we are reaching the end of a process of something not yet well finished but that imply some assessment needing to argue and to forecast what is next in DRC and Rwanda. And why not elsewhere around?

    The Rwandan authorities and the country are enjoying a new stage of political good health and reliability on international level.
    With the nth military intervention in Congo, the Rwandan army managed to perform a timely but critical exercise in the two Kivu. Definitely, those kids really deserve a Nobel Price if not a cow to everybody including Nkunda.

    The objectives were reached at a fair rate: the four FDLR bases were destroyed (barazihanduye, barazirandura)and many Rwandan rebels with their families could enjoy the unexpected opportunity to get back home. Surprisingly, no crocodile tears from those well known Humanitarians were shed but fuzzy and void articles and reports on Rwandans and Nkunda or Ntaganda! They missed the opportunity to shut their mouthes.

    Now, there is a general relief and a strange feeling of security in the area. The local Congolese authorities are testifying it. Of course, the danger of the FDLR comeback is not completely removed. Let's hope nobody will try challenging the hopeless MONUC to do the job of security. For sure, simple local self defense forces by villages and areas could be the right solution and more effective and reliable. a kind of CNDP type and structure.
    Just check next link:

    The Congolese side, being incubating some political issues, is unable to analyze easily the benefits of that "Umoja Wetu" intervention.
    Though, that event triggered some slipping conflict between the two up to three cephalic powers in Kinshasa: president, Kamerhe and opposition leagues.

    For sure, the FDLR, bearing a dangerous effect on the stability of Kabila's power, was one of the main unsaid subjects of that dispute. And, of course this created a threatening challenge for power between the President Kabila and the DP Kamerhe - opposition coalition.

    It likely seems FDLR was almost ready to launch some attacks toward Rwanda with the first consequence of Rwandan retaliation. The next consequence to this was the simple Kabila's exit and terminus (akotelema).
    Logically, FDLR paid for it. Many thanks to Mr Murwanashyaka and his mentors for their big errors.

    Are we going toward more stability and mostly more security?
    Well, beside the political Congolese issues, up to now, we are not getting any feedback from third parties from EU, particularly France and Belgium or Germany.

    let's wait for their reactions and for their next or alternative plans. Kabila's power has no true safe foundation and is not reliable.
    However, from now on, something is changing in the good direction toward Africa union and merging we badly need.

    Last but not least, we stay grateful to Nkunda and his marvelous CNDP that prepared the field of the peace harvest. May they harvest the deserved glory (kwambara umudende)


  5. If you cut the tantacles of the hydra many more will come.
    As long as there is only one teeth in it's mouth it will eat up his preys.
    You cannot rely on one thieve against the other, it would mean to léopoldize Congo conflict. This is fatal. Nkunda and CNDP have learned this lesson. With Kagame and Joseph Kabila Germany léopoldized Congo conflict. As Mr. FDLR leader Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka - now living in Bonn/Germany was worn out like Bemba, next attempt was taken. One should not be blind to this. Neither Rwanda nor Congo have found some receipe against hunger.
    So what happened in those refugee camps of Tutsis in Rwanda? Another Gaza?
    Or those camps in Goma? Are they empty? Kagame blames internet politicians not knowing the truth. We know that Rwanda army adventure in Congo costs a lot of money Rwanda does not have. But perhaps in Davos Kagame shook enough his hat to get some baksheesh. Timing is obvious. Parallel to this came peace doves in German press. The attempt to scape goat Nkunda for Congo matata has very thin air. Wait and see.


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