Monday, 9 February 2009


C'est Muzito qui échoue du point de vue de la performance, suivant le sondage que rapporte un papier proche du pouvoir. Vous y détecterez ce que j'appelle la fragilité de l'imaginaire congolais parce que les seuls ministres bien côtés sont ceux des affaires (affres?) étrangères et de la coopération, tous les deux occupés à racheter Kabila dans son entreprise risquée à l'Est. Mais ce que ces ministres bien côtés ne vont pas dire aux congolais, c'est que Kabila va faire ce qu'il a longtemps accusé Nkunda de faire. C'est Kabila lui-même et les institutions qui le laissent faire, qui va diviser le pays. Les ougandais ne vont pas lacher prise sur la Province orientale. Ils veulent s'attaquer à l'extraction du pétrole. Avez-vous vu Ntambwe Mwamba et Tshibanda aller discuter avec les ougandais qui mènent les opérations? Non. Demain le congolais va se reveiller sans la province orientale. Une autre chose que les deux ministres ne disent pas aux congolais c'est que la RDF est là pour rester. Je peux parier avec quiconque le veut que le délai dont a parlé Kabila ne sera pas réalisé. La fin du mois de février n'est qu'en 20 jours, nous verrons. Mais l'imaginaire fragile des congolais au lieu de penser à cette possibilité, ils veulent exiger la tête d'un congolais qui ne veut rien d'autre que la dignité du pays et pas son humiliation. Et après? Rien. Car cela ne veut pas dire la restauration de la paix. Kinshasa a refusé de discuter le cahier des charges de Nkunda qui contient bel et bien une restauration de l'autorité de l'Etat, comment convaincra-t-il la RDF de partir quand les ougandais se servent sans que personne ne dise rien? Enfin, lisez-vous même cet article et vous constaterez la fragilité dont je parle. Cependant on peut trouver une autre raison de parler maintenant de la popularité des ministres. On veut à tout prix montrer Kabila sous un beau jour, ce qui ne durera pas longtemps à cause de l'hypothèse que j'expose ci-haut. Ensuite on veut préparer l'esprit à un nouveau remaniement, mais pour quoi faire? Pour inclure Désiré Kamanzi et Munyampenda et les gars de Kin qu'on soupçone être de leur côté? Est-ce que les futurs ministrables sauront convaincre les congolais de la nécessité d'une présence indéfiniment prolongée de la RDF? Mystère!
Et par où va commencer l'implosion institutionnelle à Kinshasa?:
Quelqu'un d'autre doute de Ntambwe Mwamba:


  1. Recently some CNDP members visited President Wade in Senegal. This is good to know. It is known that Senegal intends to stop all food imports from Europe, which contribute to starvation. This is wonderful.
    Now China's Boss Hu Jintao intends to visit Senegal soon. This is less good. It is known that Chinese fish trawlers steal fish from the coast of Senegal, so as to sell it cheap to Spain/Europe. And in the context of free trade this stolen fish perhaps returns to Senegal. Who knows. So if President Wade had a good idea he would urge Hu Jintao to make gift of a well equipped canon boat so as to chase away those chinese fish pirates causing hunger in Senegal, forcing people to flee to Lampedusa/Europe. Let us see if Hu still smiles so kindly?

  2. When Kagame recently visited our Mrs. Angel in Germany to urge her to arrest FDLR leader Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka, she head deaf ears. This was because she comfortly hosts him in Bonn/Germany.
    So when Kagame spends a lot of money invading Congo with his army although he is bankrupt, pretending to extinct FDLR, what happened? Was it really for FDLR? Of course not. Germany does not like Nkunda for known reasons earlier statet in this blog. With the help of renegade Bosco CNDP was neutralized and Nkunda arrested and not FDLR leader Dr. Ignace Murwanashyaka which would have cost far less than mobilizing all those troops.
    With the arrest of Rose Kabuje at Francfort airport there was sent a message to Kagame, if you do not behave, we will let you hunger. Rose Kabuje sits in front Sarkozy's judge and tries to show her innocence. Innocence for what? Innocence for French participation of Rwanda genocide? In 500 years Africans have learnt only one thing to obey European masters. Those not doing this like Lumumba and Nkunda they have to face death and decapitation.
    That is the way it goes.
    So let it be clear, immediate release of Nkunda.

  3. To L.

    Please don`t compare Nkunda to Lumumba. They are in two different categories.

    Lumumba always put his country first and paid with his life. Nkunda has always worked for the rwandese agenda in the Congo. He has been deposed as all those that served the rwandese have been before. We can name them: Zahidi Ngoma, Emile Ilunga, Onusumba...

    He does not become a hero because he has been deposed.

    Please a little respect for our hero (Lumumba) and the congolese people that Nkunda and his forces have killed (remember Kiwandja?)

  4. One must remember the statement when it was said that Bosco was a rotten egg in CNDP.
    And on addition the interview that Nkunda gave about Kivanja. He just repeated what was stated in an earlier comment in this blog on how Kibanja worked. He thought that no CNDP were in Kivanja, but in fact there were CNDPs type Bosco.
    It was compared with Hitlers tactic he used during the war against Soviet Union at Gleiwitz transmitter, where Nazis in polish unifoirms attacked the Wehrmacht. This war intrigue was the start of WW2. What was the rotten egg Bosco in reality? Just Joseph Kabila's tool. Once this war intrigue will come to surface, mind you this explosion that happens.
    People in Kivu rub their eyes about that sudden socalled peace, which is peace of a grave yrad. It is simply the balkanisation of problems. The changing sides are the reason for fuelling war. And as long this continues even more blood will be shed. Of course MONUC behaves inocent on this game, because this is the reason for their stay. So there should be no wondering why MONUC saw aside in Kivanja like in Sebrenica.
    Of course Nkunda is a freedom fighter. There should be no doubt about this. All wavering in this matter is the food for the vultures. But it is not Nkunda alone, he would not be if he had no brave followers, the silent commissioners.
    One should stop thinking in African map designed by Europe. Time has overrun this. This chap Gorbatshev said you are punished by life if you come too late.

  5. All this, everybody should remember, is Louis Michel's work with the contribution of his friends in the EU.

    What could it yield after Sun City I and II if not rubbish?
    Let's analyze Amani program, what was it if not rubbish?

    Do we need to list all those false solutions that Congolese have to apply? Well! No! One is enough to mirror the poor and desperate of Congolese.

    You can't tailor a suit with rags or even small unrelated pieces of fabrics. So is the Congolese society in all fields. As a sick society, it has to resort to Civil societies, NGO's, humanitarians, etc! Really the poorest can't be!

    The whole country is now focused, hanged on Nkunda's fate and a bit on the Kivu situation, forgetting all those other issues that could be worse for the whole country. So many people are on strikes since long time for their unpaid salaries and actually, the country is stopped but Forrest in Katanga ... Well, that one managed to hide!

    Nobody, I mean minister or deputy, is realizing he or she is distracted from the true national issues because of bad politic analysis and no economic or social concern!!! And no shame, but why?

    Even the problem of RDF in Kivu with no big impact for the moment but Nkunda and CNDP, is becoming the most important event when the world is facing economic disaster and where Congo is the target as a simple common game for skilled hunters.
    Are they blind or just having some kind of inexperienced minds if not that hooligan's behavior?


  6. About Kiwanja killings, I personally watched one reporting on Kiwanja from a well known French journalist I don't remember his name but with a German like one. He asked one middle aged man, which group killed villagers? His response was short and clear enough with his own voice: ba Mai-Mai.
    So, it wasn't FDLR nor FARDC and of course not CNDP.
    More, it seems some CNDP members were among the killed persons. One was a journalist as I read.

    About that reporting, some days later, it was showed on TV news but with a translation in French or English accordingly. The same man wasn't heard any more but a comment saying that CNDP was the killer??!!
    I swear for this.
    So, this again is pure forged news to blame CNDP from NGO's and international medias.
    Besides, there was and still is a MONUC military camp, as shown in reporting, near at 300 m and not half mile as reported by HRW ( They may have their say.
    As for HRW Kiwanja report, there is no reliable information in their descriptions, as for instance the timing. There is no way to know who came first and who did this and that. Obviously, their main concern is invoking the famous "Bridge force" from EU.
    Actually till now, no inquiring hasn't been done with trusted people. HRW is no fair and trusted org.

    One says in Kinyarwanda for those who understand: impamvu ingana ururo.


  7. Mr Bagambiki,

    There is no need denying that it is the CNDP forces people that were responsible for the massacres. I personally followed a CNDP officer on an international radio station admitting that they ahd been killings, but insisting that they executed only mai mai s that were hiding in houses. And that had been the official CNDP version to the story. So please spare us the mai mai were responsible version please.

    Mr L,

    What do you mean by ``One should stop thinking in African map designed by Europe.``

    That is the reason why us as congolese will always be opposed to you people. because we are unwaveringly attached to that map. It is our land. We were born with this myth, and will fight to make this myth a reality for the generations to come. And we will strongly oppose all those usurpers of our dream.

    Remember Lumumba? His independence day speech and dream of building a strong and prosperous country at the heart of Africa is what we want to make a reality.

    Congo is our passion. This, I bet, is too hard for you to understand when your mind is programmed to think in terms of your ethnic background.


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