- La Belgique a des centaines de soldats à envoyer en RDC: http://www.lalibre.be/actu/monde/article/466694/la-belgique-se-dit-prete-a-envoyer-des-soldats.html
- La MONUC assure que l'amalgame des milices qui vivent à couteaux tirés ne menace en rien la population! Etonnant qu'avec une description pareille les warmongers de l'ONU inculpe toujours le CNDP comme menace contre la population!!
North Kivu: Security situation remains fragile
10 dec. 08 - 20.12h
The security situation has improved in Masisi territory, but remains fragile in Kiwanja-Ishasa, despite the retreat of the “Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple” (CNDP) troops from Kiwanja-Ishasa, according to the MONUC military spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Jean Paul Dietrich, at the weekly MONUC press conference of 10 December 2008.
Lt. Col. Dietrich outlined the clashes among the armed groups in the region, including the CNDP, the “Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda” (FDLR/RUD), the “Forces Combattantes Abacunguzi” (FOCA), and the different Mai Mai militia groups.
The FDLR and the Mai Mai groups have profited from the departure of the CNDP on 1 December last, where they rapidly installed themselves in the deserted zones, and they now control the roads around Kinyandoni, 12 km north of Kiwanja-Ishasa and 30 km north of Goma.
In the last week, the security situation in Masisi territory has improved considerably. After the CNDP attack on Masisi centre on 29-30 November last, the CNDP retreated temporarily to positions close to Burabu, 8km south of Masisi.
Burabu is actually under the control of the 21st integrated brigade of the FARDC. The CNDP are stationed in the region of Chugi, approximately 30km south of Masisi centre.
The “Patriotes Résistants Congolais” (PARECO), who temporarily occupied positions around Masisi, and who patrolled the town last week, have retreated to Masisi centre.
This zone is entirely under the control of MONUC forces, despite the risk of clashes between the CNDP and other armed groups and the reduction of government troops in Masisi, after the clashes between two PARECO factions, Hutu-Magabu and Nande-Lafontaine at Kahiro, 8km north of Kitchanga.
“These clashes are not a menace to displaced people in the region, but they could be a pretext for other armed groups to reprise their military activities in the region,” concluded the MONUC military spokesperson
- Il y a d'autres observateurs qui craiganaient que le mandat oral de Joseph Kabila à son ministre de la coopération ne fut un mauvais point de départ: http://www.lepharerdc.com/www/index_view.php?storyID=7146&rubriqueID=9
- Et les avocats de Jean Pierre Bemba s'impatientent. Compréhensible si l'on sait la teneur politique des manoeuvres jusqu'ici démontrées par le Procureur de la CPI: http://www.lepharerdc.com/www/index_view.php?storyID=7152&rubriqueID=9
- Le Ministre Congolais des Affaires étrangères a reconnu hier mercredi 10 décembre que les massacres de Kiwanja ont été commis par les FDLR. Quel courage, Mr Alexis Ntambwe Mwamba! http://www.newtimes.co.rw/index.php?issue=13741&article=11614
- Le Katanga se porte à merveille, METOREX tient à compléter son projet dans les mines de Ruashi, malgré la crise! Ces sacrés sud-africains veulent avoir leur part, comme quoi les chinois ne doivent pas supplanter tout le monde. http://allafrica.com/stories/200812090333.html
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