Le ministre des affaires étrangères annonce des négociations à Nairobi! Il y avait bien lieu d'exprimer des reserves quant à une soudaine bonne volonté politique qui brillait par son absence depuis le début de la crise, aussi loin qu'on peut en retracer l'historique dans le temps et dans l'espace. Il semble que la délégation du gouvernement n'était pas encore nommée hier, suivant cet article de Reuters. Mais des sources assez fiables affirment que Kabila refuse d'assigner le role à de hauts dignitaires. Il veut envoyer Julien Paluku. Contradiction encore et toujours, tant et si bien que la semaine dernière le gouvernement qualifiait l'offre du gouverneur comme un excès de zèle. Ce n'est pas à lui de prendre la place du gouvernement. La deuxième contradiction ressort de l'histoire récente du conflit. Julien Paluku et John Numbi ont participé dans la négociation autour du mixage. Je rappelais il y a peu que Paluku affirmait que lui et celui qu'il appelait alors son frère Nkunda prétendraient au prix Nobel de Paix ensemble. Nous savons ce que le gouvernement a fait de cet effort. Il l'a simplement foulé au pieds, entrainant la Province et le pays dans la situation amère d'aujourd'hui. Qui peut alors accorder un crédit aux négociations de ce lundi à Nairobi, quand on sait qu'en y envoyant Paluku, Kabila veut faire comprendre qu'il ne respectera pas ce qui y sera décidé? En outre le comportement de Paluku tout au long de tout le processus a montré qu'il est d'un extrémisme qui n'assure en rien l'objectivité de sa contribution. Le seul souhait dans ce cas est de voir le bon sens prévaloir. Kabila pourrait, au moins par respect pour Obasanjo et Mkapa, envoyer Ntambwe Mwamba en personne, comme chef de la délégation. Après tout c'est des négotiations entre le gouvernement et le CNDP!!!
Lien de ce matin: http://africa.reuters.com/top/news/usnJOE4B5067.html
- Pour lever les équivoques sur cette nouvelle rencontre de Nairobi, qui a la particularité d'être une rencontre entre le gouvernement de Kinshasa et le CNDP, lisez les éclaircissement du porte parole du CNDP à l'AFP, ici: http://kivupeace.org/recontre_nairobi.html
- L'apostropheur du potentiel fait une autopsie de la RDC avec un sang-froid enviable! Dommage que le leadership officiel ne puisse faire de même! http://www.lepotentiel.com/afficher_article.php?id_article=74601&id_edition=4507
- Pendant qu'il y a un semblant de négociation entre Kinshasa et le CNDP à Nairobi, il se tiendra en même temps une réunion des ministres des affaires étrangères de l'UE pour permettre à Karel de Gutcht de les convaincre d'envoyer une force européenne au Nord-Kivu! Donc c'est encore une manoeuvre temporisatrice. Il fallait faire quelque chose pour occuper les medias pendant que la petite Belgique cherche à convaincre la Grande UE pour qu'elle s'empêtre dans une guerre colonialiste version siècle 21: http://www.lalibre.be/actu/monde/article/465733/la-belgique-oeuvre-pour-une-force-europeenne-en-rdc.html
- C'est que dans l'entre temps, le bureau de Javier Solana a reconnu que Ban Ki Moon avait demandé ces fameuses forces européennes. J'avais posté ici des déclarations où il le niait! Allez-y comprendre quelque chose, Messieurs les hauts diplomates ont des façons de traiter la vérité! http://www.lalibre.be/actu/monde/article/465728/l-onu-a-besoin-d-aide-au-kivu.html
- Que pnsent les "vautours" de tout cela? http://www.lefigaro.fr/international/2008/12/06/01003-20081206ARTFIG00304-kinshasa-va-discuter-avec-les-rebelles-.php
- Et voilà un congolais dont j'applaudis la perception des choses: http://www.omernkamba.com/?m=20081206
Hi Antoinette
ReplyDeleteNkundabatware [a tusti from Rwanda, responsible for rapes and genocide in DRC] is an indited war criminal. He can't sit on the same table with respected Congolese Officials.
Nothing special is going to come out from the so called negotiation, and you know this very well...
We wont allow the death of over 5 millions of Congolese by tutsis rebels and Nkundabatwre to go in vain.
The real war is on the way!
Us, Real Congolese of diaspora, we call on government in Kinshasa to destroy and crash all tutsis from Rwanda living in DRC, by any means!
We want those ignorants tutsis from Rwanda living in Congo DR, to return their country Rwanda. Those who refused to return, will face a dying consequences.
We don't want negotiations... We support this war so that we can destroy all ignorants tutsis to the last men, living in our, DR Congo (sic).
[If think they know exactly what we did with tutsis, when M'Ze Kabila was in power: "La chasse aux tutsis"... We wont hesitate to do it again.]
We don't want to see an another Kiwanja... Enough is enough!
DR Congo for Congolese and not for ignorants tutsis from Rwanda.
All the best!
ReplyDeleteHi Antoinette
ReplyDeleteI am astonished to see you (Tutsis) supporting what Nkundaabattoir is doing in our beloved country, our motherland.
As woman, how would you feel if what this criminal and his cohort are doing to our mothers, sisters, nieces, cousins and daughters? Do you think that Congolese will just sweep everything that happened and still happening to their love ones to one side and make peace with you Tutsis?
Tutsis should know that you "can forgive but you can't forget", as I am writing to you I have tears in my eyes for our Kivu's brothers and sisters. I am not even from the kivu in fact I am Mungala but in the Congo we mingle and live with any tribes that our God gave us, apart from you people (Tutsis ) who want to be set apart although Congo is not your soil (honestly).
After writing this I am going to church, my prayer is for my God to do Congolese people justice as He says “a Moi la vengeance, a Moi la retribution". We will keep up the fight for our country and win because we are fighting the good fight.
God Bless Congo and it People.
Hi Antoinette
ReplyDeleteI am astonished to see you (Tutsis) supporting what Nkundaabattoir is doing in our beloved country, our motherland.
As a woman, how do you feel about what this criminal and his cohort are doing to our mothers, sisters, nieces, cousins and daughters? Do you think that Congolese will just sweep everything that happened and still happening to their love ones to one side and make peace with you Tutsis?
Tutsis should know that you "can forgive but you can't forget", as I am writing to you I have tears in my eyes for our Kivu's brothers and sisters. I am not even from the kivu in fact, I am Mungala but in the Congo we mingle and live with any tribes that our God gave us, apart from you people (Tutsis ) who want to be set apart although Congo is not your soil (honestly).
After writing this I am going to church, my prayer is for my God to do Congolese people justice as He says “a Moi la vengeance, a Moi la retribution". We will keep up the fight for our country and win because we are fighting the good fight.
God Bless Congo and it People.
Hi francoise
ReplyDeleteYou are really a woman with a sound mind!!!
Antoinette is really an ignorant tutsi, who doesn't even know the history of DR Congo. And I wish that she [Antoinette] is raped one day in her life so that she can understand the suffering of Congolese woman.
Tutsis are ignorants bustards and idiots, people who are living in poverty and they will always be below us, Congolese! No Matter What.
Le sang de Congolais crie vengeance. "La chasse aux tutsis, we are ready for it!"
Antoinette tu fais la honte de femmes au monde. IGNORANTE! Et je souhaite que tu sois violé !
Dans la tergiversation, le Potentiel fait une petite erreur d'analyse tout en admettant le moment crucial actuel.
ReplyDeleteLe Congo est au fond de la marre et ne peut tomber plus bas qu'il ne l'est, ni pouvoir naviguer étant au plus profond de du gouffre. Il suffit d'ailleurs de lire les commentaires des personnages ci-avant, Don Quixota et Françoise, et pour autant qu'ils soient réellement congolais, pour comprendre l'abime où git le pays.
A Popokabaka, Nyunzu, Kisantu, Aru, Likasi, etc, c'est la même misère même si les statistiques mentent sur les revenus moyens dans les différentes régions du pays.
Le Potentiel se veut docte en affirmant que les événements du Nord Kivu et les pillages (sans être assez spécifique) seraient à la base des déboires du pays et ses habitants sinistrés!!!
Pourquoi personne ne remarque que le pays est victime de l'incompétence et du manque d'intérêt de la classe dirigeante, d'ailleurs installée de force par des étrangers envahisseurs du pays, qui est à la base du gâchis actuel?
De Joseph Désiré Mobutu à Joseph Kabila par Désiré Kabila (bravo pour les curés qui les ont baptisés), le pays n'a fait que se mourir. Il faut d'ailleurs admirer ici la résistance formidable de ces populations congolaises qui ont pu supporter ce calvaire tout au long de ces années de vaches maigres contre les vaches grasses des exploiteurs étrangers et nationaux du Congo.
En fait, le Congo a besoin d'urgence d'une administration, d'une police et d'un encadrement socio-économique suffisante, donc énorme, afin de mettre le pays en ordre. Ceci aussi pour pouvoir utiliser son armée avec efficacité. Celle-ci sera pour mettre hors d'état de nuire surtout les FDLR qui sont un élément étranger dans la vie des congolais. Ils ont été amenés par les Européens, surtout Français et Belges, et par leurs cohortes d'humanitaires organisés en ONG.
Le reste se fera tout seul dès que le pays pourra mettre en valeur ses ressources pour le bénéfice de la population et du pays. Pour aussi se prémunir des ingérences "trangères venant surtout des Européens.
Mais il est à craindre que l'équipe politique actuel soit incapable de le faire et se dédouane en prétextant les attaques de Nkunda et les autres.
An appeal to Don hosted in Ireland.
ReplyDeleteYou know that in Ireland live civilised people. To spread hatred is a criminal offense which due to European convention of human rights is subject to persecution of law. Your statements in this blog have nothing to do with freedom of speech but are forbidden. Officials face more and more this problems in Europe and in the case of Bemba were forced to act. Tolerating a grey zone in this matter has provoked a problem which had to be dealt with quickly. Credibility e.g of ICC was at brink but attempts now to close Guantanamo camp has brought change to these matters. The same applies to violation of human rights in Congo. In the shade of this unacceptable situation Kinshasa government has turned into a nightmare. The break even of Security Council due to US intervention allowed China to act on human rights violation just as it liked. Many countries like Congo in the drift of such countries like China were animated to follow such abuses. Many war criminals which stole money in their homeland came to Europe and bought citizenship from corrupt officials or filled bank aacounts in Switzerland as is proven in the case Joseph Kabila. But due to the law against money laundring Switzerland is forced to act by EU and has to avoid this otherwise sanctions will follow. The same applies to Austria. Too much was stolen from tax revenue, so this grey economy had to be stopped. This in the light of the severe tax income situation of financial crisis.
Hi Don
ReplyDeleteCes gens ne savent pas ce qu’ils veulent, nous les Congolais les avons donne l'hospitalite et regarde maintenant la facon dont il nous paye. C'est triste quand meme, entant que Congolaise, j'ai l'obligation et le devoir de combattre et de proteger ma patrie (by any mean necessary) contre tous ceux qui pourraient essayer de la nuire ou la destabililise car mon coeur bat pour et au rythme du Congo et Je connais le sens de mon devoir vis avis de mon pays.
Vous savez mon frere, la situation que le Congo vit actuellement tient a son hospitalite naive qu’il avait accorde aux Rwandophones, Il se pourrait qu'ils(rwandophones)rejete ce que je dis mais c’est la verite. Je tiens seulement a leurs dire que les Congolais ne seront plus jamais dupes « Once bitten, twice shy ».
God Bless Congo and it People.
Hi Françoise,
ReplyDeleteShould I understand you are ready for the French kiss while hating Tutsi? Unless, you prefer Belgian style of course.
You know Rwandans refugees, being Tutsi or Hutu and that doesn't matter anyway, didn't ask Congolese people protection or any advantage but mutual friendship.
They were obliged by the Belgian occupation forces in Rwanda to run out their home. They shared what could be Congolese life with their Congolese or others, Ugandan, Burundian and other remote neighbors.
Joining their bro and sista of Kivu, they participated to the welfare of Congo till now. Let's say, they got less than they gave to Congo with Mobutu and also Kabila's regimes. The balance in accounting is reporting it so.
They shed their blood for their total independence (about 2 millions humans beings) and for the salvation of Congo till this real moment.
They showed the best behavior by facing those swindlers and mercenary mens.
So, don't cry but join Nkunda crusade against invaders and slave mongers.
By the way who raped Anuarite and other sisters "act" if it isn't one Mungala Zairian officer?
Now, only Kivu people are suffering because the FAZ and FARDC, enroled mostly from western Congo, thus Bangala in majority, killed and raped white religious sisters after independence and during these last years.
Who is covering FDLR and other ugly rebels like Mai-Mai, pareco etc? Your Belgian and French "noko" you like so much.
Among Bangala like you, Mobutu and his bro and fellows looted dry Congo as this wasn't their home. Fortunately, Banyamulenge and their fellows under AFDL managed to kick them out.
Now, those cash Bangala spared in Switzerland is lost and hidden in Banks belonging to Vatican and other money laundry systems ...
Poor Françoise, you should confess for bad ideas you have against your Tutsi and even Hutu compatriots or neighbors.
Aimes ton prochain comme toi-même said once someone ...
Hi Françoise
ReplyDeleteFrançoise, je suis vraiment ravi de faire votre connaissance. Vous étés vraiment une femme qui réfléchit droitement!!!!
Vous avez parfaitement raison, notre hospitalité, nous fait souffrir aujourd’hui en RD Congo. Mais, cela ne durera pas, car nous allons bientôt écraser, détruire et chasser tout tutsis qui sont Congo. Je de contacte particulier dans de milieux diplomatique ici en occident. Et je sais de quoi je parle… Le sang de Congolais crie vengeance. "La chasse aux tutsis, we are ready for it!"
Ne pleure pas maman Françoise, je t’appel « Maman », par respect que je a votre personne… j’ai lu attentivement votre réaction et les remarques que vous avez faite a cette ignorante rwandophone tutsi du Rwanda, Antoinette. Une femme [Antoinette] qui mérite d’être violé afin qu’il puisse comprendre la souffrance de femmes congolaises. Et je souhaite qu’elle soit violée dans les jours qui viennent !
Antoinette et ses frères rwandophones tutsis du Rwanda, ne sont que de saletés et déchets humains que nous allons écraser bientôt. Et la RDC n’est même pas leurs pays d'origine, ils doivent rentrées au Rwanda. Peu importe, les tutsis seront toujours au-dessous de nous, Congolais !
Que Dieu vous bénisse Françoise, continué toujours à soutenir notre beau pays, RD Congo.
Le sang de Congolais crie vengeance. "La chasse aux tutsis, we are ready for it!"
To the person who wrote to me about Bangala's rapes, pillages etc...
ReplyDeleteFirst, your gluttony if not your greed will kill you. Yes, we gave you shelter and protection, we provided education to you Rwandophones in our schools and universities you cannot change or deny that. Mobutu even gave you our farms, businesses during “la Zairenisation” and so on. That was through your late brother Bisengimana. Are we not being generous enough? During the so called “liberation war” in 1996, you looted Congo like good artful looters. As if that was not enough, you came back for more, this time in the name of “your safety which is in jeopardy”. Very Sad, "bapesi yo mosapi olingi loboko mobimba" you were given a finger but you want the arm length. That is a sign of greed, sheer greed.
What I do not understand is that, you rwandophones are killing people in the name of “we did not get our share, they don’t accept us as Congolese, and they are hosting people who committed genocide and these people are a threat to us Tutsis and blab la bla. Enough with your jeremiads, which are only an excuse for what you are doing to innocent souls in the Congo.
Yes, Mobutu did what he did and we were very disappointed about his behaviour. “That Mungala officer raped sisters” and so on; I bet he did not do it “collectively”with his fellow officers as you rwandophones do. However, I am disappointed in such behaviour, Bangala are not rapists and for that officer, I wish he had a heavy punishment for what he did.
For me, you are “interhamwe in rape” (I think interhamwe means killing collectively in your language). Bangala are not rapists like you rwandophones, neither are Congolese in a whole. If Bangala want or need a woman they court them, they are not cowards. I am a Mungala woman so take my word for it!
Talking about Laurent Kabila, how come when L.D kabila ordered the departure of all foreign troops and citizen from the Congo, on July 1998 all the Banyamulenge who where claiming to be Congolese and who were holding important positions in the government fled with Rwandan and Ugandan troops?
Why in 1996, when Rwanda invaded Congo with the complicity of AFDL from the east of Congo, the Interanhamwe was never a priority or even a threat to Rwanda but only now that we do not even hear about any attack perpetrated by the later?
All these excuses are just for Rwanda and the so-called “Tutsis Congolais” to put their hands on Congo's minerals, don't you think?
Mai- Mai people are fellow citizens who are fighting for their survival and they have the right to do so as Kivu belongs to them.
To finish, I have nothing to confess because our fight is a good fight and we will win.
I love my neighbours as I love myself, mind you our ancestors passed on a valuable ethical moral, which is that “Human life is sacred”. Due to this belief, people we once thought that we gave a safe haven are killing us like flies on a daily basis. “Le Coeur de l’homme est vraiment tortueux”
By the way, check on the list of crimes committed by Nkundaabattoir, so far that I posted on the 06/12/2008. That at least will help you to reflect on what you are doing to Congolese people for the sake of lies, in order to gain what is not rightfully yours, OUR GREAT CONGO
God Bless Congo and its People